All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form
- AccCalculatorUtils - Class in simpa.acc.api.utils
Utilities specific for calculating in the accelerator library.
- AccCalculatorUtils() - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.utils.AccCalculatorUtils
- AccCli - Class in simpa.acc.api
Class that specifies all the commands that can be used in the CLI using the CLI library apart from some extra commands.
- AccCli() - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- AccElement - Interface in simpa.acc.api.create
- AccElement.ElementType - Enum Class in simpa.acc.api.create
- AccFieldFactory - Class in simpa.acc.api.create
Factory methods for expanding groups of accelerator elements with solid harmonic expansion.
- AccFieldFactory() - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.create.AccFieldFactory
- AccSourceArrangement - Class in simpa.acc.api.create
Class holding a collection of point sources.
- AccSourceArrangement(String, Vector3D, Rotation, double, String, String, double) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.create.AccSourceArrangement
Constructor for an accelerator element from a solution file.
- AccSourceArrangement(List<PointSource>, double, String, String, double) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.create.AccSourceArrangement
- activeSequence() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- addArbitrary(String, Double, Double, String, String, Map<Double, Profile>, String, Vector3D) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- addArbitraryElementAt(double, String, double, String, Vector3D, String, Map<Double, Profile>, List<Vector3D>) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.Sequence
Puts an element with arbitrary shape at the end of the beam line at the specified longitudinal position.
- addBending(String, Double, double, double, Double, Double, String, String, Map<Double, Profile>, Rotation, String) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- addBendingElementAt(double, String, double, String, double, double, double, String, Rotation, Map<Double, Profile>, boolean) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.Sequence
Puts a bending at the end of the beam line with the center at the given longitudinal position.
- addBPM(String, String, Double, Map<Double, Profile>) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- addCopyToQueue(ParticleTrackerTask) - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.ParallelTracker
Adds the task to the queue.
- addExternalElement(String, double, String, String, Rotation, Vector3D) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.Sequence
Adds an accelerator element from a solution file.
- addFieldMapExtension(String, int) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.FileNamingConventions
Generates the correct filename for a binary fieldmap file.
- addFieldMapExtension(Map<String, Double>, int) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.FileNamingConventions
Adds the underscore character plus the lmax (maximum degree of spherical harmonics expansion ) and the binary field map extension to each keys in the map.
- addMarker(String, Double, Map<Double, Profile>) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- addMarkerElement(double, String, AccElement.ElementType, Map<Double, Profile>) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.Sequence
Adds a marker element (marker, pickup) to the specified position.
- addObserver(TrackingObserver) - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.ParticleTrackerTask
Adds an implementations of the Observer interface to this tracker task.
- addStraight(String, Double, Double, Double, String, String, Map<Double, Profile>, Rotation) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- addStraightElementAt(double, String, double, String, double, String, Rotation, Map<Double, Profile>) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.Sequence
Puts a straight element at the end of the beam line at the specified longitudinal position.
- addToQueue(ParticleTrackerTask) - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.ParallelTracker
Adds the task to the queue.
- addTrajectoryObserver(BeamTrajectoryObserver) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.track.TLBeamTracker
Adds a beam trajectory observer to all tracker tasks.
- addVacuumChamber(VacuumChamber) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.BeamRegion
Adds a vacuum chamber and removes the not needed overlapping default profiles.
- alpha() - Method in record class simpa.acc.api.track.PhaseSpaceEllipse
Returns the value of the
record component. - angle() - Method in record class simpa.acc.api.track.PhaseSpaceEllipse
Returns the value of the
record component. - ANTIPROTON - Enum constant in enum class simpa.core.api.track.ParticleType
Particle type that describes an antiproton.
- Aperture - Interface in simpa.core.api.track
Region of the volume.
- append(StringBuilder) - Method in record class simpa.core.api.track.TrajectoryData
Appends this trajectory data to the given StringBuilder.
- appendToFile(String, String) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.FileUtils
Appends the given string to a text file.
- Arc3D - Class in simpa.core.api.utils
- Arc3D() - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.utils.Arc3D
- Beam - Class in simpa.acc.api
- Beam(List<Particle>, ReferenceOrbit, PotentialProvider, String) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.Beam
Low level constructor.
- Beam(BeamSampler, double, ReferenceOrbit, double, PotentialProvider, double, double, int, String) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.Beam
Construct a beam with the given parameters.
- BEAM_TRAJECTORY_FILE_EXTENSION - Static variable in class simpa.core.api.FileNamingConventions
- beamFromFile(String, Double, Double, Double, Double, String, String) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- BEAMLOSS_FILE_EXTENSION - Static variable in class simpa.core.api.FileNamingConventions
- BeamLossObserver - Class in simpa.core.api.track
- BeamLossObserver() - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.track.BeamLossObserver
- BeamMatrix - Class in simpa.acc.api.utils
- BeamMatrix(String) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.utils.BeamMatrix
Creates an instance from a file containing beam parameters in the following order: x,x'y,y',z,dp/p It calculates the Twiss parameters of the beam, which can be get with the access methods.
- BeamRegion - Class in simpa.acc.api.create
An object representing the beam region in an accelerator by a succesion of profiles extruded around the reference orbit.
- BeamRegion(Sequence, double, Profile, double) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.create.BeamRegion
Creates a BeamRegion object.
- BeamSampler - Interface in simpa.acc.api.utils
- BeamSizeCalculator - Class in simpa.acc.api.utils
This class calculates the beam sizes along the sequence.
- BeamSizeCalculator(String, ReferenceOrbit, double) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.utils.BeamSizeCalculator
Constructor with a given trajectory file and design orbit.
- BeamSizeCalculator(Map<String, List<TrajectoryData>>, ReferenceOrbit, double) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.utils.BeamSizeCalculator
Constructor with a given trajectory map and design orbit.
- BeamSizeCalculator(Optics, double, double, double) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.utils.BeamSizeCalculator
Constructor with a given optics and emittances.
- BeamTracker - Class in simpa.acc.api.track
Abstract class for beam tracking.
- BeamTracker() - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.track.BeamTracker
- BeamTracker(int) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.track.BeamTracker
- BeamTrajectoryObserver - Class in simpa.core.api.track
- BeamTrajectoryObserver(TrackingObserver.ObserverBehaviour) - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.track.BeamTrajectoryObserver
- beamTwiss(String) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- beta() - Method in record class simpa.acc.api.track.PhaseSpaceEllipse
Returns the value of the
record component. - BIN_FILE_EXTENSION - Static variable in class simpa.core.api.FileNamingConventions
- BLOCKJACOBI - Enum constant in enum class simpa.core.api.SolverOptions.Preconditioner
- bobyqaMatcher(Integer, Double, Double, Integer, MatchingTarget[], MatchingVariable[]) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- BoundarySurface - Class in simpa.core.api
Describes the surface that is bounding the volume of interest where the field should be reproduced by the sources.
- BoundarySurface(ArrayList<SurfacePoint>) - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.BoundarySurface
Creates a BoundarySurface object.
- build() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.TwissParameters.Builder
- build() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.FrequencyAnalysis.FrequencyAnalysisBuilder
Builds the FrequencyAnalysis instance.
- builder() - Static method in record class simpa.acc.api.TwissParameters
- builder() - Static method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.FrequencyAnalysis
Creates a
object to set up the parameters for the frequency analysis. - Builder() - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.TwissParameters.Builder
- calcCovarianceMatrix(double[][]) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.BeamMatrix
- calculate() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.DynamicAperture
Before calling this method the tracking must be done with the track method.
- calculate(String) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.FrequencyAnalysis
Calculates the diffusion coefficients for each tracking file.
- calculateAllTunes(String, int, int, String) - Static method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.TuneCalculator
Reads all phase space files in the given directory and calculate the tunes for each of them by taking the given number of turns from each file from the given starting turn.
- calculateArcLength(Vector3D, Vector3D, Vector3D, boolean) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.Arc3D
Calculates the length of the arc by fitting a circle to 3 points in 3D space We assume that the points are on a curve in the order of p1, p2, p3.
- calculateBeamPosition() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.Beam
Calculates the position vector in the global coordinate system calculated from the average particle positions.
- calculateChromaticity(String, String, Integer, double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- calculateOpticsFunctions(String, String, double, double, boolean) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.OpticsCalculator
Calculates the optical functions from two trajectory files in a transfer line or a ring.
- calculatePathLength(List<Vector3D>, boolean) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.PathUtils
Calculate the sum of the lengths of segments in the path by summing the arc lengths of the segments.
- calculatePhaseSpaceEllipse(double, List<PhaseSpaceCoordinates>, PhaseSpacePlane) - Static method in record class simpa.acc.api.track.PhaseSpaceEllipse
Fits a phase space ellipse to the list of phase space coordinates.
- calculateRingOptics(List<TrajectoryData>, List<TrajectoryData>, double, double, boolean) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.OpticsCalculator
Calculates the optical functions from two trajectory data lists in a ring.
- calculateTLineOptics(Map<String, List<TrajectoryData>>, Map<String, List<TrajectoryData>>, double, double, boolean) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.OpticsCalculator
Calculates the optical functions from two trajectory data maps in a transfer line.
- calculateTunes(String, Integer, Integer, String, String) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- CalculatorUtils - Class in simpa.core.api.utils
Utilities for calculation.
- CalculatorUtils() - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.utils.CalculatorUtils
- centersToFile(String) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.Survey
Writes the CERN coordinates calculated by the constructor to a file.
- CHECK_FILE_EXTENSION - Static variable in class simpa.core.api.FileNamingConventions
- CHECK_POINT_FILE_EXTENSION - Static variable in class simpa.core.api.FileNamingConventions
- checkField(TilingConfig) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- CM - Enum constant in enum class simpa.core.api.LengthUnit
- cmaesMatcher(MatchingTarget[], MatchingVariable[], Double, Integer, Boolean, Double[], Integer, Integer) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- compareTo(AccElement) - Method in interface simpa.acc.api.create.AccElement
- convertTrajectory(String, String, double, String, Boolean) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- copy() - Method in record class simpa.acc.api.track.PhaseSpaceEllipse
- copy() - Method in class simpa.core.api.CurrentPointSource
- copy() - Method in class simpa.core.api.ElectricMonopole
- copy() - Method in interface simpa.core.api.PointSource
- copy() - Method in interface simpa.core.api.PotentialProvider
- copy(Beam, PotentialProvider) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.Beam
- copy(Beam, PotentialProvider) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.EllipseBeam
- copy(Particle, PotentialProvider) - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.Particle
- copyAndSet(Beam, PotentialProvider, List<MatchingVariable>) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.match.SigmaMultivariateFunction
A deep copy of of all particles in the beam, but the tracking state is freshly created.
- copyOf(TwissParameters) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.TwissParameters.Builder
Copy the given Twiss parameters to this builder.
- copyResourceFile(String, String) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.FileUtils
Copies a resource file into the given file.
- countLines(String) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.FileUtils
Counts the lines in given file.
- countNumberOfColumns(String) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.FileUtils
Counts the number of columns containing numbers in the file.
- CoverType - Enum Class in simpa.core.api
Type of SphereCovering
- createAccElement(TilingConfig, Double, String, Double, Double, Integer, Integer, Integer, Boolean) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- createBeam(String, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, String, String, Integer, TwissParameters) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- createBeamRegion(Profile, double, Double, Double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- createBendingPath(double, double, int, double, boolean) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.PathUtils
Create a path for a bending element with the given deflection angle, bend radius, extension lengths at both ends.
- createBendingPath(Double, Double, Integer, Double, String, Vector3D, Rotation, String) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- createCheckpointFile(TilingConfig, Vector3D, Double, Double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- createEllipseProfile(double, double, int, Double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- createEvaluator(FieldMap) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.FieldMap
Create a new PotentialProvider from the given FieldMap.
- createFieldMapEvaluator(String, double) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.Evaluator
Creates a PotentialProvider of type SHFieldEvaluator for evaluating field maps.
- createFieldMaps(String, String, Boolean, int, Integer, Double, Boolean) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- createFromFile(String, double) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.FieldMap
- createHCPLatticeCover(String) - Static method in interface simpa.core.api.SphereCovering
Creates a HCPLatticeCover from a cover file in format X Y Z Radius.
- createHCPLatticeCover(String, double) - Static method in interface simpa.core.api.SphereCovering
Creates an HCP lattice of equal spheres with a given radius.
- createHCPLatticeCover(List<Profile>, double, boolean) - Static method in interface simpa.core.api.SphereCovering
Creates an HCP lattice of equal spheres with a given radius.
- createParticle(String, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, String) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- createRectProfile(double, double, double, double, int, int) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- createRotation(Vector3D, Vector3D, Vector3D, Vector3D, Double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- createSequence(String, Double, Boolean, String, Vector3D) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- createSHField(GlobalSourceArrangement, SphereCovering, int, String, Double, boolean, int) - Method in class simpa.core.api.SHFieldFactory
Creates an SHField containing spherical harmonics coefficients and other necessary data for a field map and serializes it to the disk.
- createSingleRowCover(double, double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- createSingleRowCover(String) - Static method in interface simpa.core.api.SphereCovering
Creates a single row cover from a cover file.
- createSingleRowCover(List<Vector3D>, double, double, boolean) - Static method in interface simpa.core.api.SphereCovering
Creates a single row cover around a given orbit with with a single line of balls centered on the orbit.The balls overlap such a way that it always covers a given aperture around the orbit.
- createStlObject(InputStream) - Method in class simpa.core.api.utils.TextStlReader
Creates a PolyhedronSet from an STL file.
- createStlObject(String) - Method in class simpa.core.api.utils.TextStlReader
Creates a PolyhedronsSet from an STL text file.
- createStraightLine(Vector3D, Vector3D, int) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.PathUtils
Creates a straight part between two locations with points equal to the amount of given steps.
- createStraightPath(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, String, Integer) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- createSurfacePoint(Vector3D, Vector3D) - Static method in interface simpa.core.api.SurfacePoint
Creates an instance of the SurfacePoint class.
- createTilingConfig(String, Profile, String, double, String, double, String, String) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- createTwiss(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- createVacuumChamber(HashMap<Object, Double[]>) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- createVector3D(double, double, double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- CurrentLoop - Class in simpa.core.api
Current loop.
- CurrentLoop(double, int, double) - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.CurrentLoop
Constructs a circular loop lying in the X Y plane centered (0,0,0).
- CurrentLoop(ArrayList<Vector3D>, double) - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.CurrentLoop
Constructor for arbitrary shape 3D current loop given by the vertices of the loop.
- CurrentPointSource - Class in simpa.core.api
A point source that is outside the volume used to reproduce the B field inside the volume of interest.
- CurrentPointSource(Vector3D) - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.CurrentPointSource
- DEFAULT_LOSS_PENALTY - Static variable in class simpa.acc.api.match.SimpaMultivariateFunction
The loss penalty is a large number that is added to the objective function value for each lost particle during the tracking.
- DEFAULT_RELATIVE_ERROR - Static variable in class simpa.core.api.SHFieldFactory
Default relative error for the for spherical harmonics coefficients.
- DEFAULT_STRATEGY - Static variable in class simpa.core.api.utils.LocalFramesCalculator
- DEFAULT_VERTICAL - Static variable in class simpa.core.api.utils.LocalFramesCalculator
- DiagnosticUtils - Class in simpa.core.api.utils
Utility methods for diagnosing configurations.
- DiagnosticUtils() - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.utils.DiagnosticUtils
- direction() - Method in record class simpa.core.api.TangentVector3D
Returns the value of the
record component. - DIRECTSOLVER - Enum constant in enum class simpa.core.api.SolverOptions.SolverType
- dispH() - Method in record class simpa.acc.api.TwissParameters
Returns the value of the
record component. - dispH(double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.TwissParameters.Builder
- dispPrimeH() - Method in record class simpa.acc.api.TwissParameters
Returns the value of the
record component. - dispPrimeH(double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.TwissParameters.Builder
- dispPrimeV() - Method in record class simpa.acc.api.TwissParameters
Returns the value of the
record component. - dispPrimeV(double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.TwissParameters.Builder
- dispV() - Method in record class simpa.acc.api.TwissParameters
Returns the value of the
record component. - dispV(double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.TwissParameters.Builder
- dpOp() - Method in record class simpa.acc.api.TwissParameters
Returns the value of the
record component. - dpOp(double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.TwissParameters.Builder
Sets the relative momentum deviation from the reference momentum.
- DynamicAperture - Class in simpa.acc.api.utils
- DynamicAperture(ReferenceOrbit, PotentialProvider, String, double, TwissParameters, double) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.utils.DynamicAperture
Constructor with the reference orbit, potential provider, output directory, disk radius, twiss parameters and momentum.
- eKinEv() - Method in record class simpa.core.api.track.TrajectoryData
Returns the value of the
record component. - ElectricMonopole - Class in simpa.core.api
Point source that is outside the volume that is used to reproduce the electric field inside the volume of interest.
- ElectricMonopole(Vector3D, double) - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.ElectricMonopole
- ELECTRON - Enum constant in enum class simpa.core.api.track.ParticleType
Particle type that describes an electron.
- ELECTRON_MASS - Static variable in class simpa.core.api.PhysicsConstants
The mass of an electron in kg.
- EllipseBeam - Class in simpa.acc.api
Special beam mainly for optics calculations.
- EllipseBeam(List<Particle>, ReferenceOrbit, PotentialProvider, String) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.EllipseBeam
- EllipseBeam(EllipseBeamSampler, double, ReferenceOrbit, double, PotentialProvider, double, double, int, String) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.EllipseBeam
- EllipseBeamSampler - Class in simpa.acc.api.utils
This class can be used to generate the phase space coordinates for the particles in a beam such that the particles are distributed on an ellipse.
- EllipseBeamSampler(TwissParameters) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.utils.EllipseBeamSampler
This constructor creates an instance of the EllipseBeamSampler class.
- em() - Method in record class simpa.acc.api.track.PhaseSpaceEllipse
Returns the value of the
record component. - endSequence(String, String, Integer, String) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- EPSILON - Static variable in class simpa.core.api.PhysicsConstants
- EPSILON4PI - Static variable in class simpa.core.api.PhysicsConstants
- equals(Object) - Method in record class simpa.acc.api.track.PhaseSpaceEllipse
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class simpa.acc.api.Tune
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class simpa.acc.api.TwissParameters
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class simpa.acc.api.utils.IntersectionData
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class simpa.core.api.SphereDescripton
- equals(Object) - Method in record class simpa.core.api.TangentVector3D
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class simpa.core.api.track.PhaseSpaceCoordinates
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class simpa.core.api.track.TrajectoryData
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class simpa.core.api.utils.LocalFrame
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class simpa.core.api.utils.Triangulation
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- evaluateAtTargets(List<? extends PointSource>, List<Vector3D>) - Method in class simpa.core.api.Evaluator
Evaluator using the fast multipole method.
- Evaluator - Class in simpa.core.api
Factory for field map evaluators.
- Evaluator() - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.Evaluator
- evToJoules(double) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.CalculatorUtils
Convert from electron volts to Joules
- EXACT_VALUE - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingValueType
- extendPath(List<Vector3D>, double, boolean) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.PathUtils
Extends the given path at the beginning or at the end by adding a point at the given distance to the path in the direction of the first or last vector in the path.
- extendWithMirrorOnXAxis(List<Vector3D>) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.PathUtils
Mirrors the path on the X axis by adding the negative of the coordinate designated by the coordinateIndex parameter.
- extendWithMirrorOnYAxis(List<Vector3D>) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.PathUtils
Mirrors the path on the Y axis by adding the negative of the coordinate designated by the coordinateIndex parameter.
- extendWithMirrorOnZAxis(List<Vector3D>) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.PathUtils
Mirrors the path on the Z axis by adding the negative of the coordinate designated by the coordinateIndex parameter.
- ExtrudedSurface - Class in simpa.core.api
Represents a surface extruded along a path.
- ExtrudedSurface(List<Vector3D>, Map<Double, Profile>) - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.ExtrudedSurface
This constructor is used to create a surface by placing the given profiles to the given positions along the path.
- ExtrudedSurface(List<Vector3D>, Profile) - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.ExtrudedSurface
This constructor is used to create a surface by extruding the given profile along the path.
- facets() - Method in record class simpa.core.api.utils.Triangulation
Returns the value of the
record component. - FakeRandomGenerator - Class in simpa.acc.api.utils
Imitates the random generator sampling, but actually returns fixed values which repeats after n samples.
- FakeRandomGenerator() - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.utils.FakeRandomGenerator
- FIELD_AT_CHECK_FILE_EXTENSION - Static variable in class simpa.core.api.FileNamingConventions
- FIELD_FILE_EXTENSION - Static variable in class simpa.core.api.FileNamingConventions
- FieldMap - Class in simpa.core.api
This class represents an electro-magnetic field.
- FIELDMAP_STAT_FILE_EXTENSION - Static variable in class simpa.core.api.FileNamingConventions
- fieldOnCurve(Map<String, Double>, Vector3D, String, Boolean) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- FieldType - Enum Class in simpa.core.api
Enum for the type of field.
- FileNamingConventions - Class in simpa.core.api
Class that contains the file naming conventions.
- FileNamingConventions() - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.FileNamingConventions
- FileUtils - Class in simpa.core.api.utils
Utilities for writing and reading files.
- FileUtils() - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.utils.FileUtils
- findInRange(Vector3D, double) - Method in class simpa.core.api.utils.OcTree
Finds a list of SurfacePoints that are in the given radius of a given point.
- finish() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.track.BeamTracker
This method is called when all particles has been tracked.
- finish() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.track.RingBeamTracker
- finish() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.track.TLBeamTracker
Called after the tracking is finished by the
track() Writes the output files. - finish(Particle) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.track.PhaseSpaceObserver
- finish(Particle) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.track.TLPhaseSpaceObserver
- finish(Particle) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.track.TurnObserver
- finish(Particle) - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.BeamLossObserver
- finish(Particle) - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.BeamTrajectoryObserver
- finish(Particle) - Method in interface simpa.core.api.track.TrackingObserver
Finishes the tracking of the given particle.
- finish(Particle) - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.TrajectoryObserver
- fitData(double[], double[]) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.FitEllipse
Fits an ellipse to all the points given in the x and y arrays.
- fitData(double[], double[], int, int) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.FitEllipse
Fits an ellipse to the points given in the x and y arrays starting from startIndex until endIndex exclusive.
- FitEllipse - Class in simpa.acc.api.utils
Ellipse-fitting methods.
- FitEllipse() - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.utils.FitEllipse
- FIVE_POINT_GAUSSIAN - Enum constant in enum class simpa.core.api.utils.Quadrature1D
- FMM3D__RELATIVE_PRECISION - Static variable in class simpa.core.api.SystemConstants
Maximum relative error allowed for FMM3D.
- FrequencyAnalysis - Class in simpa.acc.api.utils
- FrequencyAnalysis.FrequencyAnalysisBuilder - Class in simpa.acc.api.utils
- FrequencyAnalysisBuilder() - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.utils.FrequencyAnalysis.FrequencyAnalysisBuilder
- GaussianBeamSampler - Class in simpa.acc.api.utils
This class can be used to generate the phase space coordinated for the particles in a beam with a Gaussian distribution.
- GaussianBeamSampler(TwissParameters) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.utils.GaussianBeamSampler
Constructs a 6D distribution corresponding to the given accelerator optical and beam parameters.
- GaussianBeamSampler(TwissParameters, double) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.utils.GaussianBeamSampler
Constructs a 6D distribution corresponding to the given accelerator optical and beam parameters.
- GaussianBeamSampler(TwissParameters, RandomGenerator) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.utils.GaussianBeamSampler
Constructs a 6D distribution corresponding to the given accelerator optical and beam parameters.
- GaussianBeamSampler(BeamMatrix) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.utils.GaussianBeamSampler
Based on the beam matrix it constructs a Gaussian beam sampler.
- GEOMETRY_TOLERANCE - Static variable in class simpa.core.api.SystemConstants
Tolerance in [m] below which points are considered identical.
- getAccElements() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.Sequence
- getActiveSequence() - Static method in class simpa.acc.api.create.Sequence
- getAggregateRadius() - Method in class simpa.core.api.SolverOptions
- getAllTwissParametrs() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.Optics
- getAngleSteps() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.DynamicAperture
- getAperture() - Method in interface simpa.core.api.PotentialProvider
Gets the aperture.
- getArc(double, double, int) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.PathUtils
Calculates a circular arc in the X, Z plane.
- getArcDistances(List<Vector3D>, boolean) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.PathUtils
Gets the distances of points along the path from the beginning by summing up the arc-lengths of the segments between the points.
- getAVector(PotentialProvider, Vector3D) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.CalculatorUtils
Evaluates the vector potential at the given position from the given PotentialProvider instance.
- getBeamLossFileName(String) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.FileNamingConventions
Gets the file name for a file containing the lost particles of a beam.
- getBeamSampler() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.EllipseBeam
- getBeamTrajectoryFileName(String) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.FileNamingConventions
Gets the file name for a file containing the trajectory coordinates of a beam in the global Cartesian system according to the conventions from the name of the particle.
- getBehaviour() - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.BeamTrajectoryObserver
- getBField(double[][]) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.CalculatorUtils
Takes the curl of the given potential and derivatives and calculates the B.
- getBField(PotentialProvider, Vector3D) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.CalculatorUtils
Evaluates the magnetic field at the given position from the given PotentialProvider instance.
- getBrhoFromGevOc(double) - Static method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.AccCalculatorUtils
- getCenter() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.VacuumChamber
- getCenter() - Method in class simpa.core.api.SourceArrangement
Gets the center of the element.
- getCenter() - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.ObserverDisk
Gets the center of the disk.
- getCenters() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.Survey
- getCentre() - Method in class simpa.core.api.SphereDescripton
- getCharge() - Method in class simpa.core.api.ElectricMonopole
- getCharge() - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.Particle
Gets the particle's charge.
- getCharge() - Method in enum class simpa.core.api.track.ParticleType
Gets the charge of the particle type.
- getCheckFileExtension() - Static method in class simpa.core.api.FileNamingConventions
Generates the correct extension for a check file.
- getCheckPointsFileExtension() - Static method in class simpa.core.api.FileNamingConventions
Generates the correct extension for a checkpoints file.
- getClosestIndex(List<Vector3D>, double, boolean) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.PathUtils
This method takes a list of Vector3D points which form a 3D path and returns the index of the point which is closest to the given longitudinal position counted from the first point in the path.
- getClosestIndex(List<Vector3D>, Vector3D) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.PathUtils
Search the point in the path closest to the given points.
- getCommandInterpreter() - Static method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
Method to get the CommandInterpreter object.
- getCovarianceMatrix() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.BeamMatrix
- getCoveringSpheres() - Method in interface simpa.core.api.SphereCovering
Gets the covering spheres.
- getCoverType() - Method in interface simpa.core.api.SphereCovering
Gets the cover type for the covering.
- getCurrent() - Method in class simpa.core.api.CurrentLoop
- getCurrent() - Method in class simpa.core.api.CurrentPointSource
- getCurrentLength() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.Sequence
This method returns the current length of the sequence.
- getDefaultWeight() - Method in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingTargetType
- getDimensions() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.FitEllipse
Convert variables a, b, c, d, f, g from the general ellipse equation ax^2 + b y^2 + c xy +dx + fy + g = 0 into useful geometric parameters semi-axis lengths, centre and angle of rotation.
- getDisk() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.track.PhaseSpaceObserver
Gets the disk of this PhaseSpaceObserver
- getDisk() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.track.TurnObserver
- getDiskRadius() - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.ObserverDisk
Gets the radius of the disk.
- getDisks() - Method in interface simpa.acc.api.utils.IntersectionCalculator
Get the observer disks along the reference orbit.
- getDistance(int, int, List<Vector3D>) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.PathUtils
Gets the distance between two points along the path by summing the line segments between the given indices.
- getDistance(Vector3D) - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.ObserverDisk
Gets the oriented distance of the point from the Plane (positive or negative depending which side of the point is of the disk.)
- getDistribution() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.GaussianBeamSampler
- getDoubleArrayFromFile(String) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.FileUtils
Reads a double array from a file that is delimited by spaces or new lines.
- getEField(double[][]) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.CalculatorUtils
Returns the electric field derived from a two-dimensional double array with the potential and gradients.
- getEField(PotentialProvider, Vector3D) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.CalculatorUtils
Evaluates the electric field at the given position from the given PotentialProvider instance.
- getElementName() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.VacuumChamber
- getElements() - Method in class simpa.core.api.GlobalSourceArrangement
Gets the list of SourceArrangement objects.
- getElevation() - Method in class simpa.core.api.TilingConfig
Gets the elevation of the surface points.
- getEllipse() - Method in record class simpa.acc.api.track.PhaseSpaceEllipse
- getEllipse(double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in record class simpa.acc.api.track.PhaseSpaceEllipse
Constructs an ellipse with the given Twiss parameters.The Ellipse can be used to sample points on it.
- getEmittance(PhaseSpacePlane) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.BeamMatrix
Calculates the 1 sigma RMS emittance in [ m rad] BE CAREFULL! THERE ARE SEVERAL EMITTANCE DEFINITIONS See:
- getEmMax() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.DynamicAperture
- getEmMin() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.DynamicAperture
- getEvaluator(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class simpa.core.api.SHCombiner
Gets an implementation of PotentialProvider using the given scalings.
- getEvaluatorWithoutCaching(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class simpa.core.api.SHCombiner
Gets an instance of PotentialProvider using the given scalings.
- getFaces() - Method in class simpa.core.api.utils.TextStlReader
- getFactor() - Method in enum class simpa.core.api.LengthUnit
Multiplying by this factor converts it to meters
- getField() - Method in interface simpa.core.api.SurfacePoint
- getField(Vector3D) - Method in class simpa.core.api.CurrentPointSource
Calculates the B field at a given evaluation point.
- getField(Vector3D) - Method in class simpa.core.api.ElectricMonopole
Calculates the E field at a given evaluation point.
- getField(Vector3D) - Method in interface simpa.core.api.PointSource
- getFieldAtCheckFileExtension() - Static method in class simpa.core.api.FileNamingConventions
Generates the correct extension for a field at checkpoints file.
- getFieldFileExtension() - Static method in class simpa.core.api.FileNamingConventions
Generates the correct extension for a field file.
- getFieldMapName() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingVariable
- getFieldMapStatisticsFileName(String) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.FileNamingConventions
Generates the correct filename for a statistic file about the distrifution of maximum degrees in a field map.
- getFieldMapWithoutCaching(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class simpa.core.api.SHCombiner
Gets an instance of PotentialProvider using the given scalings.
- getFieldScalingFactor() - Method in class simpa.core.api.TilingConfig
Gets the scaling factor of the field in this tiling config.
- getFieldsOnCurve(List<PointSource>, List<Vector3D>, Vector3D, String, LengthUnit, List<LocalFrame>) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.DiagnosticUtils
Write the field components into a file along a curve.
- getFieldsOnCurve(PotentialProvider, List<Vector3D>, Vector3D, String, List<LocalFrame>, boolean) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.DiagnosticUtils
Write the field components into a file along a curve.
- getFieldType() - Method in class simpa.core.api.TilingConfig
Gets the type of field used in this tiling config.
- getFlushPerTurns() - Static method in class simpa.acc.api.track.PhaseSpaceObserver
Gets the amount of turns between flushes.
- getFromFile(double, String, double, PotentialProvider, double, double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.ParticleFactory
Generate particles in a flat 5D beam, all particles are on the same longitudinal position.
- getFrozen() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.Sequence
Gets a boolean that tells whether the sequence is frozen or not.
- getGamma(double, double) - Static method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.AccCalculatorUtils
- getGmresRestart() - Method in class simpa.core.api.SolverOptions
- getGroupName() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.AccSourceArrangement
- getHeader() - Static method in class simpa.core.api.track.Particle
- getHeaderString(boolean) - Static method in record class simpa.acc.api.TwissParameters
Header info, useful when writing this object into a file
- getHorizontalBeamSize() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.BeamSizeCalculator
- getHorizontalTune(int, int) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.TuneCalculator
Gets the horizontal tune starting from a specific turn and measured for a certain amount of turns.
- getInitialGuess() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingVariable
- getInstance(String, ReferenceOrbit, double, boolean) - Static method in interface simpa.acc.api.utils.IntersectionCalculator
Gets an implementation of this interface.
- getInstanceForBeam(String, ReferenceOrbit, double, boolean) - Static method in interface simpa.acc.api.utils.IntersectionCalculator
Gets an implementation of this interface for a beam trajectory.
- getInstanceForBeam(Map<String, List<TrajectoryData>>, ReferenceOrbit, double, boolean) - Static method in interface simpa.acc.api.utils.IntersectionCalculator
Gets an implementation of this interface for a beam trajectory.
- getInstanceForParticle(String, ReferenceOrbit, double, boolean) - Static method in interface simpa.acc.api.utils.IntersectionCalculator
Gets an implementation of this interface for a single particle trajectory.
- getInstanceForParticle(List<TrajectoryData>, ReferenceOrbit, double, boolean) - Static method in interface simpa.acc.api.utils.IntersectionCalculator
Gets an implementation of this interface for a single particle trajectory.
- getIntersection(Vector3D, Vector3D) - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.ObserverDisk
Returns the intersection of this disk with the given line segment formed by the two points.
- getIntersections() - Method in interface simpa.acc.api.utils.IntersectionCalculator
Get a list of intersection data along the reference orbit.
- getKeyLineFromFile(String, String) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.FileUtils
Search a line in a file containing the given key text.
- getKineticEnergy(double, double) - Static method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.AccCalculatorUtils
- getKineticEnergy(Particle) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.CalculatorUtils
Gets the kinetic energy of the given particle.
- getKineticMomentum() - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.Particle
Calculates and returns the kinetic momentum of the particle.
- getLengthUnit() - Method in class simpa.core.api.TilingConfig
Gets the length unit to be used for the diagnostic files.
- getLineFromFile(String, long) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.FileUtils
Gets a specific line from a file.
- getLocalCurrentComponents() - Method in class simpa.core.api.CurrentPointSource
- getLocalFrames() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.ReferenceOrbit
- getLocalFrames() - Method in class simpa.core.api.utils.LocalFramesCalculator
Get the local frame calculated.
- getLocalOrigins() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.Sequence
Gets a list of vectors pointing to the local origins of the elements in the sequence.
- getLocalShiftedPoint(Vector3D, Vector3D) - Method in record class simpa.core.api.utils.LocalFrame
Get a point near the given base point shifted by the a vector which is rotated to the local frame.
- getLocalX() - Method in class simpa.core.api.CurrentPointSource
- getLocalY() - Method in class simpa.core.api.CurrentPointSource
- getLocalZ() - Method in class simpa.core.api.CurrentPointSource
- getLocation() - Method in class simpa.core.api.CurrentPointSource
- getLocation() - Method in class simpa.core.api.ElectricMonopole
- getLocation() - Method in interface simpa.core.api.PointSource
For debugging purposes
- getLocation() - Method in interface simpa.core.api.SurfacePoint
Gets the location of the SurfacePoint.
- getLocation() - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.ObserverDisk
- getLocation() - Method in interface simpa.core.api.utils.OcTreeEntry
- getLongitudinalPosition() - Method in interface simpa.acc.api.create.AccElement
- getLongitudinalPosition() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.AccSourceArrangement
- getLongitudinalPosition() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.MarkerElement
- getLongitudinalPosition() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingTarget
- getLongitudinalPosition() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.track.PhaseSpaceObserver
- getLongitudinalPosition(int) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.ReferenceOrbit
Gets the longitudinal position of the point on the orbit with the given index.
- getLoopPoints() - Method in class simpa.core.api.CurrentLoop
- getLossCount() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.track.RingBeamTracker
- getLossCount() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.track.TLBeamTracker
- getLossCount() - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.BeamLossObserver
- getLostCount() - Method in exception class simpa.acc.api.utils.OpticsCalculationException
- getLostParticles() - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.BeamLossObserver
- getMap() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.track.TLPhaseSpaceObserver
- getMass() - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.Particle
Gets the particle's mass.
- getMass() - Method in enum class simpa.core.api.track.ParticleType
Gets the mass of the particle type.
- getMatchingVariableType() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingVariable
- getMax() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingVariable
- getMaxHorAbsPos() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.Optics
- getMaxHorBeta() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.Optics
- getMaxHorDisp() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.Optics
- getMaximumTurns() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.track.TurnObserver
- getMaxVertAbsPos() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.Optics
- getMaxVertBeta() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.Optics
- getMaxVertDisp() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.Optics
- getMeans() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.BeamMatrix
- getMeans(double[][]) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.BeamMatrix
- getMin() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingVariable
- getMinHorDisp() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.Optics
- getMinVertDisp() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.Optics
- getMomentumFromEKin(double, double) - Static method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.AccCalculatorUtils
- getMomentumFromGeVoC(double) - Static method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.AccCalculatorUtils
Convert momentum from [GeV/c] to [kg*m/s]
- getMomentumFromGeVoC(double) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.CalculatorUtils
Convert the momentum given in GeV/c to kg*m/s.
- getMomentumInEVoC(double) - Static method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.AccCalculatorUtils
Get the norm of the momentum in [eV/c]
- getMomentumInGeVoC(double) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.CalculatorUtils
Convert the momentum given in kg*m/s to GeV/c.
- getName() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.Beam
- getName() - Method in interface simpa.acc.api.create.AccElement
- getName() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.AccSourceArrangement
- getName() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.MarkerElement
- getName() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.Sequence
- getName() - Method in class simpa.core.api.GlobalSourceArrangement
Gets the name of the global source arrangement.
- getName() - Method in class simpa.core.api.SourceArrangement
Gets the element name.
- getName() - Method in class simpa.core.api.TilingConfig
Gets the name of the magnet.
- getName() - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.Particle
Gets the name of the particle.
- getNameMap(List<IntersectionData>) - Static method in interface simpa.acc.api.utils.IntersectionCalculator
Helper method to organize intersection data by particle name
- getNextValidLine(BufferedReader, int) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.FileUtils
Reads the next valid line from the BufferedReader containing the given number of numbers.
- getNominalMomentum() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.Beam
- getNormalizedRmsError(double) - Method in class simpa.core.api.SolutionChecker
Gets the normalized RMS (root mean square) error for the element using the given scaling factor.
- getNormalizedRmsError(double[], double[]) - Method in class simpa.core.api.utils.RmsErrorCalculator
Calculates the normalized RMS error between the exact and estimated values.
- getnThreads() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.DynamicAperture
- getObservers() - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.ParticleTrackerTask
Gets a list of observers registered with this particle tracker task.
- getOpera3DHeader(int, LengthUnit) - Static method in enum class simpa.core.api.OutputFileFormat
Gets a header specific for use of a file in Opera3D.
- getOptics() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.Sequence
- getOptics() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.match.OpticsMultivariateFunction
This method is typically called after the optimization, but can be called at also during the optimization to check what kind of optics the optimization is evaluating at any step.
- getOrbitLength() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.ReferenceOrbit
The approximated length calculated by adding together the line segments of the orbit.
- getOrbitPoints() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.ReferenceOrbit
Gets all the orbit points that make up the reference orbit.
- getOrbitStep() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.Sequence
- getOrientedProfiles() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.VacuumChamber
- getOrientedProfiles() - Method in class simpa.core.api.ExtrudedSurface
Gets the oriented profiles of the surface.
- getOrigin() - Method in class simpa.core.api.Profile
Gets the origin of the profile.
- getOutDirectory() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.track.PhaseSpaceObserver
Gets the output directory.
- getOutputFileFormat() - Method in class simpa.core.api.TilingConfig
Gets the output file format used in this TilingConfig.
- getParticle() - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.ParticleTrackerTask
- getParticle(double, PhaseSpaceCoordinates, double, PotentialProvider, double, double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.ParticleFactory
Gets a particle with the given data.
- getParticle(double, PhaseSpaceCoordinates, double, PotentialProvider, ParticleType) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.ParticleFactory
Gets a particle with the given data.
- getParticles() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.Beam
- getPatchRadius() - Method in class simpa.core.api.SolverOptions
- getPath() - Method in class simpa.core.api.TilingConfig
Gets the path in [meters].
- getPathFileName(String) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.FileNamingConventions
Generates the correct filename for a path file.
- getPhaseSpaceCoordinates(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in record class simpa.acc.api.TwissParameters
Gets the 5D phase space coordinates on the phase space ellipse defined by the given emittances, phase and the Twiss parameters of this instance.
- getPhaseSpaceCoordinates(List<IntersectionData>) - Static method in interface simpa.acc.api.utils.IntersectionCalculator
A helper method to organize the intsections along the orbit.
- getPhaseSpaceCoordinates(Vector3D, Vector3D) - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.ObserverDisk
Calculates the phase-space coordinates at the intersection point
- getPhaseSpaceCoordinates(Vector3D, Particle) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.track.PhaseSpaceObserver
Gets the phase space coordinates.
- getPhaseSpaceFileName(String, double, NumberFormat) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.FileNamingConventions
Gets the file mane of the phase space file according to the parameters and the convention.
- getPhaseSpaceObservers() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.track.TLBeamTracker
- getPlane() - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.ObserverDisk
Gets the plane of the disk.
- getPlotData(int) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.FitEllipse
- getPoint() - Method in exception class simpa.core.api.exceptions.OutOfApertureException
Gets the point that is out of aperture.
- getPointOnEllipse(double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.FitEllipse
Gets a point on the ellipse with the given phase
- getPoints() - Method in class simpa.core.api.Profile
Gets the list of points that make up the profile.
- getPointsFileExtension(OutputFileFormat) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.FileNamingConventions
Generates the correct extension for a point file.
- getPointSources() - Method in class simpa.core.api.SourceArrangement
Gets the list of point sources.
- getPointSources(Quadrature1D, int) - Method in class simpa.core.api.CurrentLoop
This method gives a list of CurrentPointSources approximating the wire segments in the current loop.
- getPositions() - Method in enum class simpa.core.api.utils.Quadrature1D
- getPotentialProvider() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.Beam
- getPotentialProvider() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.Sequence
- getPotentialsWithDerivatives(Vector3D) - Method in interface simpa.core.api.PotentialProvider
Gets the vector potentials and gradients at a given point.
- getPreconditioner() - Method in class simpa.core.api.SolverOptions
- getPreviousKineticMomentum() - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.Particle
- getPreviousPoint(int) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.ReferenceOrbit
Get the previous point on the orbit compared to the point designated by the given index.
- getPreviousPosition() - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.Particle
- getPrintPerTurns() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.track.TurnObserver
Gets the amount of turns before information is logged to the console.
- getProfile() - Method in class simpa.core.api.TilingConfig
- getPx() - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.Particle
Gets the particle's canonical momentum on the X axis.
- getPy() - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.Particle
Gets the particle's canonical momentum on the Y axis.
- getPz() - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.Particle
Gets the particle's canonical momentum on the Z axis.
- getQuadrature() - Method in class simpa.core.api.TilingConfig
- getRadialSteps() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.DynamicAperture
- getRadius() - Method in class simpa.core.api.SphereDescripton
- getReferenceOrbit() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.Beam
- getReferenceOrbit() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.Sequence
Gets the reference orbit of the sequence.
- getReferencePoint() - Method in class simpa.core.api.ExtrudedSurface
This is the reference coordinate of the surface.
- getResidual() - Method in class simpa.core.api.Solver
Returns the relative error between the reproduced field by the sources and the given field by the user.
- getResidualSum() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.match.SigmaMultivariateFunction
- getResidualSum(Optics) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.match.OpticsMultivariateFunction
Calculate the residual and prints info
- getRotation() - Method in class simpa.core.api.SourceArrangement
- getScalarPotential(PotentialProvider, Vector3D) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.CalculatorUtils
Evaluates the scalar potential at the given position from the given PotentialProvider instance.
- getScaling() - Method in class simpa.core.api.GlobalSourceArrangement
Gets the global scaling.
- getScaling() - Method in class simpa.core.api.SourceArrangement
Gets the scaling of the source arrangement.
- getScalingFactors(Tune, double) - Method in interface simpa.acc.api.utils.TuneModel
Get a map of all accelerator element currents needed to obtain the given tunes at the given momentum.
- getScalingMap() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.Sequence
- getScalingMapString() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.Sequence
Returns a scaling map as a string in SIMPA format.
- getSequences() - Static method in class simpa.acc.api.create.Sequence
- getSigmaH() - Method in record class simpa.acc.api.TwissParameters
- getSigmaV() - Method in record class simpa.acc.api.TwissParameters
- getSliceOverlap() - Method in class simpa.core.api.SolverOptions
- getSliceWidth() - Method in class simpa.core.api.SolverOptions
- getSolutionFileExtension() - Static method in class simpa.core.api.FileNamingConventions
Generates the correct extension for a solution file.
- getSourceArrangement() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.AccSourceArrangement
- getSourceArrangementGroups() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.Sequence
Gets the map of SourceArrangment groups in the sequence.
- getSourceArrangements() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.Sequence
Gets a list of the
objects in the sequence. - getState() - Static method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- getStepSize() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.DynamicAperture
- getString() - Method in enum class simpa.core.api.track.ParticleType
Gets the name of the particle type.
- getSurface() - Method in class simpa.core.api.utils.SimpleTriangulator
- getSurfaceWithEndCups() - Method in class simpa.core.api.utils.SimpleTriangulator
Create a triangulation with end cups.
- getTangentVector(List<Vector3D>, boolean, int) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.PathUtils
This method takes a list of Vector3D points which form a 3D path and calculates the normalized tangent vector along the path at the given index.
- getTangentVectorAt(double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.ReferenceOrbit
Gets the tangent vector (position and direction vectors) on the orbit which is at a given longitudinal position.
- getTangentVectorAt(int) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.ReferenceOrbit
Gets the tangent vector (position and direction vectors) on the orbit which is at the given index of the point on the orbit.
- getTargetValue() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingTarget
- getTime() - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.Particle
Gets the lifetime of the particle.
- getTLBeamPhaseSpaceFileName(String, double) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.FileNamingConventions
Gets the file name for phase space data of a beam tracked in a transfer line.
- getTotalEnergy(double, double) - Static method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.AccCalculatorUtils
- getTotalEnergy(Particle) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.CalculatorUtils
Gets the total energy of the given particle.
- getTrajectoryData() - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.BeamTrajectoryObserver
- getTrajectoryDatas() - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.TrajectoryObserver
- getTrajectoryFileName(String) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.FileNamingConventions
Gets the file name for a file containing the trajectory coordinates in the global Cartesian system according to the conventions from the name of the particle.
- getTransformedCopy(Vector3D, Rotation) - Method in class simpa.core.api.Profile
Makes a copy of this profile with the given translation and rotation.
- getTriangulation() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.BeamRegion
Gets triangles of the boundary of the beam region.
- getTurns() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.DynamicAperture
- getTwissParameters() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.EllipseBeamSampler
- getTwissParameters(String) - Static method in record class simpa.acc.api.track.PhaseSpaceEllipse
Calculates the phase space ellipse parameters from phase space coordinates file,then print it to the stdout.
- getTwissParameters(String) - Static method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.BeamMatrix
Calculates the Twiss parameters from a beam phase space coordinates file,then print it to the stdout.
- getTwissParametersAt(double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.Optics
Gets the Twiss parameter closest to the given longitudinal position.
- getType() - Method in interface simpa.acc.api.create.AccElement
- getType() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.AccSourceArrangement
- getType() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.MarkerElement
- getType() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingTarget
- getType() - Method in class simpa.core.api.SolverOptions
- getUniqueInstance() - Static method in class simpa.core.api.SHCombiner
Returns the instance of the SHCombiner and creates it if it doesn't exist yet.
- getVacuumChambers() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.Sequence
Gets a list of oriented and positioned vacuum chambers along the reference orbit.
- getValue() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingVariable
- getValueType() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingTarget
- getVariables() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.match.Matcher
- getVelocity(double, double) - Static method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.AccCalculatorUtils
- getVelocityAbsValue(Particle) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.CalculatorUtils
Gets the velocity of the given particle as an absolute value.
- getVerticalBeamSize(Optics, double, double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.BeamSizeCalculator
- getVerticalTune(int, int) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.TuneCalculator
Gets the vertical tune starting from a specific turn and measured for a certain amount of turns.
- getVertices() - Method in class simpa.core.api.utils.TextStlReader
- getWeight() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingTarget
- getWeights() - Method in enum class simpa.core.api.utils.Quadrature1D
- getX() - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.Particle
Gets the X position of the particle.
- getXatYmax() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.FitEllipse
- getXAxis() - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.ObserverDisk
- getXMax() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.FitEllipse
- getXMin() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.FitEllipse
- getY() - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.Particle
Gets the Y position of the particle.
- getYatXmax() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.FitEllipse
- getYAxis() - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.ObserverDisk
- getYMax() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.FitEllipse
- getYMin() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.FitEllipse
- getZ() - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.Particle
Gets the Z position of the particle.
- getZAxis() - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.ObserverDisk
- GlobalSourceArrangement - Class in simpa.core.api
Class containing the source arrangements that make up a region of the field that will be evaluated.
- GlobalSourceArrangement(String, List<SourceArrangement>, double) - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.GlobalSourceArrangement
Construct a global source arrangement with the given name, list of SourceArrangement objects and scaling.
- GMRES - Enum constant in enum class simpa.core.api.SolverOptions.SolverType
- H_ALPHA - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingTargetType
Horizontal alpha calculated from the the fitted phase space ellipse at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.
- H_ANGLE - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingTargetType
Horizontal angle [rad] of the fitted phase space ellipse center at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.
- H_BETA - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingTargetType
Horizontal beta calculated from the the fitted phase space ellipse at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.
- H_DISPERSION - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingTargetType
Horizontal dispersion [m] calculated from the the fitted phase space ellipse at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.
- H_PHASE_ADVANCE - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingTargetType
Horizontal phase advance [rad] calculated from the the fitted phase space ellipse at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.
- H_PICKUP - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.create.AccElement.ElementType
- H_POSITION - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingTargetType
Horizontal position [m] of the fitted phase space ellipse center at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.
- H_SIGMA - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingTargetType
Horizontal sigma of the beam size [m] calculated at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.
- hashCode() - Method in record class simpa.acc.api.track.PhaseSpaceEllipse
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class simpa.acc.api.Tune
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class simpa.acc.api.TwissParameters
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class simpa.acc.api.utils.IntersectionData
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class simpa.core.api.SphereDescripton
- hashCode() - Method in record class simpa.core.api.TangentVector3D
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class simpa.core.api.track.PhaseSpaceCoordinates
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class simpa.core.api.track.TrajectoryData
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class simpa.core.api.utils.LocalFrame
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class simpa.core.api.utils.Triangulation
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hasPoint(List<Vector3D>, Vector3D, double) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.PathUtils
Check if the path contains the given point within the given tolerance.
- HCP_COVER_FILE_EXTENSION - Static variable in class simpa.core.api.FileNamingConventions
- hEllipse() - Method in record class simpa.acc.api.TwissParameters
Returns the value of the
record component. - hEllipse(PhaseSpaceEllipse) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.TwissParameters.Builder
- HORIZONTAL - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.track.PhaseSpacePlane
Horizontal phase space plane.
- INITIAL_H_ALPHA - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingVariableType
Horizontal initial alpha at the beginning of the transfer line.
- INITIAL_H_ANGLE - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingVariableType
Horizontal initial angle [rad] at the beginning of the transfer line.
- INITIAL_H_BETA - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingVariableType
Horizontal initial beta at the beginning of the transfer line.
- INITIAL_H_DISP - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingVariableType
Horizontal initial dispersion [m] at the beginning of the transfer line.
- INITIAL_H_EMITTANCE - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingVariableType
Horizontal initial emittance [m*rad] at the beginning of the transfer line.
- INITIAL_H_POSITION - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingVariableType
Horizontal initial position [m] at the beginning of the transfer line.
- INITIAL_V_ALPHA - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingVariableType
Vertical initial alpha at the beginning of the transfer line.
- INITIAL_V_ANGLE - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingVariableType
Vertical initial angle [rad] at the beginning of the transfer line.
- INITIAL_V_BETA - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingVariableType
Vertical initial beta [m] at the beginning of the transfer line.
- INITIAL_V_DISP - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingVariableType
Vertical initial dispersion [m] at the beginning of the transfer line.
- INITIAL_V_EMITTANCE - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingVariableType
Vertical initial emittance [m*rad] at the beginning of the transfer line.
- INITIAL_V_POSITION - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingVariableType
Vertical initial position [m] at the beginning of the transfer line.
- insert(OcTreeEntry) - Method in class simpa.core.api.utils.OcTree
Inserts a new SurfacePoint in the Octree and creates new branches where necessary.
- insertChamber(Map<Double, Profile>, BeamRegion, Double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- integrateBFieldOnCurve(List<PointSource>, List<Vector3D>, Vector3D, List<LocalFrame>) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.DiagnosticUtils
Integrates the B field on the curve and returns the integral.
- integrateEFieldOnCurve(List<PointSource>, List<Vector3D>, Vector3D, List<LocalFrame>) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.DiagnosticUtils
Integrates the E field on the curve and returns the integral.
- interpolateMomentum(Vector3D, Vector3D, Vector3D, Vector3D, Vector3D) - Static method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.AccCalculatorUtils
Interpolates the kinetic momentum using two position and momentum pairs
- IntersectionCalculator - Interface in simpa.acc.api.utils
Interface for the IntersectionCalculator implementations.
- IntersectionData - Record Class in simpa.acc.api.utils
Record to hold data for intersection of particle trajectory with
- IntersectionData(int, String, PhaseSpaceCoordinates) - Constructor for record class simpa.acc.api.utils.IntersectionData
Creates an instance of a
record class. - isBeamParameter() - Method in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingTargetType
- isCircular() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.ReferenceOrbit
- isCircular() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.Sequence
- isDebug() - Method in class simpa.core.api.SolverOptions
- isDebugFields() - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.TrajectoryObserver
- isDefaultProfile() - Method in class simpa.core.api.Profile
- isGlobalParameter() - Method in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingTargetType
- isInside(Vector3D) - Method in interface simpa.core.api.track.Aperture
Returns false when a given point is outside the volume.
- isInside(Vector3D) - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.NoAperture
Always returns true.
- isInside(Vector3D) - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.StlAperture
- isLost() - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.Particle
- isPartialOpticsAllowed() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.OpticsCalculator
- isPrintStepNumbers() - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.TrajectoryObserver
Gets the printStepNumbers boolean.
- isReplay() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.FakeRandomGenerator
- isTerminated() - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.Particle
- JACOBI - Enum constant in enum class simpa.core.api.SolverOptions.Preconditioner
- javaCall(String, String, String, String, Object[], Object[]) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- joulesToEv(double) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.CalculatorUtils
Convert from Joules to electron volts
- KnownFatalException - Exception Class in simpa.core.api.exceptions
Generic fatal exception for SIMPA.
- KnownFatalException(String) - Constructor for exception class simpa.core.api.exceptions.KnownFatalException
Can be thrown when an internal error happens that is considered fatal.
- LATTICE - Enum constant in enum class simpa.core.api.CoverType
- LengthUnit - Enum Class in simpa.core.api
Enum for LengthUnit and their factor.
- lineOptics(Beam, Beam, Double, double, String, Boolean, Boolean) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- LocalFrame - Record Class in simpa.core.api.utils
Object representing a local coordinate system.
- LocalFrame(Vector3D, Vector3D, Vector3D) - Constructor for record class simpa.core.api.utils.LocalFrame
Creates an instance of a
record class. - LocalFramesCalculator - Class in simpa.core.api.utils
Calculator class to define local frames along a curve.
- LocalFramesCalculator(List<Vector3D>, boolean, LocalFramesCalculator.Strategy, Vector3D) - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.utils.LocalFramesCalculator
Constructor for LocalFramesCalculator.
- LocalFramesCalculator.Strategy - Enum Class in simpa.core.api.utils
The MINIMIZE_TORSION strategy is searching for an initial vector normal the the first tangent vector of the curve such the total torsion is minimized along the curve.
- localFramesToFile(String, int) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.ReferenceOrbit
Writes the reference frame unit vectors into a file
- location() - Method in record class simpa.core.api.TangentVector3D
Returns the value of the
record component. - logger - Static variable in class simpa.core.api.Solver
- longiPos() - Method in record class simpa.acc.api.TwissParameters
Returns the value of the
record component. - longiPos(double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.TwissParameters.Builder
- LONGITUDINAL - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.track.PhaseSpacePlane
Longitudinal phase space plane.
- lx() - Method in record class simpa.core.api.utils.LocalFrame
Returns the value of the
record component. - ly() - Method in record class simpa.core.api.utils.LocalFrame
Returns the value of the
record component. - lz() - Method in record class simpa.core.api.utils.LocalFrame
Returns the value of the
record component.
- M - Enum constant in enum class simpa.core.api.LengthUnit
- main(String[]) - Static method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- MARKER - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.create.AccElement.ElementType
- MarkerElement - Class in simpa.acc.api.create
- MarkerElement(String, double, AccElement.ElementType) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.create.MarkerElement
- match(Beam, Beam, Particle, Particle, Double, Double, Matcher, Boolean, String, Double, TwissParameters) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- Matcher - Class in simpa.acc.api.match
Class for optics or initial conditon matching.
- Matcher(BaseOptimizer<?>, List<OptimizationData>, Sequence, List<MatchingVariable>, List<MatchingTarget>) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.match.Matcher
Constructor for the class to do optics or initial condition matching.
- matchingTarget(Double, String, Double, Double, Double, Double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- MatchingTarget - Class in simpa.acc.api.match
Class containing the parameter to be matched, the target value and its weight.
- MatchingTarget(double, MatchingTargetType, Double, double) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingTarget
Creates a new MatchingTarget object with the default weight of 1.0
- MatchingTarget(double, MatchingTargetType, Double, double, MatchingValueType) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingTarget
Creates a new MatchingTarget object with the specified vale type.
- MatchingTargetType - Enum Class in simpa.acc.api.match
Enum listing the parameters that can be matched.
- MatchingValueType - Enum Class in simpa.acc.api.match
Enum describing the type of the matching value.
- matchingVariable(String, String, Double, Double, Double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- MatchingVariable - Class in simpa.acc.api.match
Describes a variable to be matched or optimized, usually a scaling factor of a field map.
- MatchingVariable(MatchingVariableType, String) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingVariable
Constructor for matching variables.
- MatchingVariableType - Enum Class in simpa.acc.api.match
Enum representing various matching variable types.
- matchLine(Sequence, EllipseBeam, EllipseBeam, double, double, boolean) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.match.Matcher
Does the optics matching procedure with the given parameters for a transfer line.
- matchLine(Sequence, TwissParameters, Beam, double, double, boolean) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.match.Matcher
Does the initial beam parameter matching procedure with the given parameters for a transfer line.
- matchRing(Sequence, Particle, Particle, double, double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.match.Matcher
Does the matching procedure with the given parameters for a ring.
- MAXIMUM - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingValueType
- MAXIMUM_ABS_H_POSITION - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingTargetType
Maximum absolute value [m] of the horizontal dispersion in the sequence.
- MAXIMUM_ABS_V_POSITION - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingTargetType
Maximum absolute value [m] of the vertical dispersion in the sequence.
- MAXIMUM_H_BETA - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingTargetType
Horizontal maximum beta [m] in the sequence.
- MAXIMUM_H_DISPERSION - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingTargetType
Horizontal maximum dispersion [m] in the sequence.
- MAXIMUM_V_BETA - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingTargetType
Vertical maximum beta [m] in the sequence.
- MAXIMUM_V_DISPERSION - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingTargetType
Vertical maximum dispersion [m] in the sequence.
- MINIMIZE_TORSION - Enum constant in enum class simpa.core.api.utils.LocalFramesCalculator.Strategy
- MINIMUM - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingValueType
- MINIMUM_H_DISPERSION - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingTargetType
Horizontal minimum dispersion [m] in the sequence.
- MINIMUM_V_DISPERSION - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingTargetType
Vertical minimum dispersion [m] in the sequence.
- mirrorPath(String, String, String) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- MM - Enum constant in enum class simpa.core.api.LengthUnit
- MU - Static variable in class simpa.core.api.PhysicsConstants
- MU_OVER_4PI - Static variable in class simpa.core.api.PhysicsConstants
- muH() - Method in record class simpa.acc.api.TwissParameters
Returns the value of the
record component. - muH(double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.TwissParameters.Builder
- muV() - Method in record class simpa.acc.api.TwissParameters
Returns the value of the
record component. - muV(double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.TwissParameters.Builder
- nextGaussian() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.FakeRandomGenerator
Returns the next value from the stored values or generates a new one, depending on the replay mode.
- NoAperture - Class in simpa.core.api.track
Implementation of the Aperture interface where there is no volume for checking if a point is inside or outside.
- NoAperture() - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.track.NoAperture
- NONE - Enum constant in enum class simpa.core.api.SolverOptions.Preconditioner
- NotSetException - Exception Class in simpa.core.api.exceptions
Exception to be returned when an attribute is not set.
- NotSetException(String) - Constructor for exception class simpa.core.api.exceptions.NotSetException
Constructs the NotSetException with an error message.
- observe(Particle) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.track.PhaseSpaceObserver
Observes the location and angle of the particle as it passes through the disk.
- observe(Particle) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.track.TLPhaseSpaceObserver
- observe(Particle) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.track.TurnObserver
- observe(Particle) - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.BeamLossObserver
- observe(Particle) - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.BeamTrajectoryObserver
- observe(Particle) - Method in interface simpa.core.api.track.TrackingObserver
Observe the particle using this observer.
- observe(Particle) - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.TrajectoryObserver
- OBSERVER_POSITION_DIGITS - Static variable in class simpa.core.api.SystemConstants
The number of fractional digits in longitudinal position for the phase space observer file.
- ObserverDisk - Class in simpa.core.api.track
This class is used for getting the particle position and momentum during tracking.
- ObserverDisk(Vector3D, LocalFrame, double, boolean) - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.track.ObserverDisk
Constructs a disk with the given radius, center and normal vector.
- OcTree - Class in simpa.core.api.utils
Implementation of the OcTree algorithm for SurfacePoints, with methods for finding SurfacePoints and finding neighbors of a SurfacePoint in a given radius.
- OcTree(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.utils.OcTree
Sets up an Octree with the given boundary.
- OcTreeEntry - Interface in simpa.core.api.utils
- ONE_POINT_GAUSSIAN - Enum constant in enum class simpa.core.api.utils.Quadrature1D
- OPERA_FILE_EXTENSION - Static variable in class simpa.core.api.FileNamingConventions
- OPERA3D - Enum constant in enum class simpa.core.api.OutputFileFormat
An enum to categorize an Opera3D file.
- Optics - Class in simpa.acc.api
This class holds optics data calculated by the
. - Optics(List<TwissParameters>, ReferenceOrbit) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.Optics
Constructor for Optics .
- OpticsCalculationException - Exception Class in simpa.acc.api.utils
Exception is thrown when the optics calculation failed.
- OpticsCalculationException(String, int) - Constructor for exception class simpa.acc.api.utils.OpticsCalculationException
- OpticsCalculator - Class in simpa.acc.api.utils
This class calculates the optical functions from trajectory files generated during two particles or beams.
- OpticsCalculator(ReferenceOrbit) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.utils.OpticsCalculator
Constructor with the reference obit .
- OpticsMultivariateFunction - Class in simpa.acc.api.match
Objective function used for matching.
- OpticsMultivariateFunction(Sequence, Map<String, Double>, List<MatchingVariable>, List<MatchingTarget>, double, boolean, double) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.match.OpticsMultivariateFunction
Constructor for the objective function used for optics matching.
- orbitAtBPMs(String, String) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- OrbitAtBPMs - Class in simpa.acc.api.utils
- OrbitAtBPMs(Sequence) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.utils.OrbitAtBPMs
- orbitIndex() - Method in record class simpa.acc.api.utils.IntersectionData
Returns the value of the
record component. - orbitToFile(String) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.Survey
- OutOfApertureException - Exception Class in simpa.core.api.exceptions
Exception to be returned when a given point is outside the region (aperture).
- OutOfApertureException(Vector3D) - Constructor for exception class simpa.core.api.exceptions.OutOfApertureException
Constructs an OutOfApertureException with the correct message using the point that is out of aperture.
- OutputFileFormat - Enum Class in simpa.core.api
Enum for some output files.
- PARALLEL_TRANSPORT_WITHOUT_OPTIMIZATION - Enum constant in enum class simpa.core.api.utils.LocalFramesCalculator.Strategy
- ParallelTracker - Class in simpa.core.api.track
Class that sets up the BlockingExecutor for queue based multi threaded tracking and adds the tracking tasks to the queue.
- ParallelTracker() - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.track.ParallelTracker
Constructs a ParallelTracker with all available processor cores and sets up the BlockingExecutor.
- ParallelTracker(int) - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.track.ParallelTracker
Constructs a ParallelTracker with the given number of processor threads and sets up the BlockingExecutor.
- parse(String) - Static method in enum class simpa.core.api.LengthUnit
Parses the length unit as string to the correct enum.
- parse(String) - Static method in enum class simpa.core.api.OutputFileFormat
Parses the string to the correct enum.
- parse(String) - Static method in enum class simpa.core.api.track.ParticleType
Parses the particle type from its string value.
- Particle - Class in simpa.core.api.track
Object that represents a particle.
- Particle(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.track.Particle
Constructs a particle with the given parameters.
- Particle(Vector3D, Vector3D, Vector3D, double, double, double) - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.track.Particle
Constructor with a direction vector, the direction will be normalized, so its amplitude doesn't matter.
- PARTICLE_SEPARATOR_STRING - Static variable in class simpa.core.api.SystemConstants
String used by
to separate particle data in the output file. - ParticleFactory - Class in simpa.acc.api
Factory for creating particles from Phase space coordinate data.
- ParticleFactory(ReferenceOrbit) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.ParticleFactory
Sets up the factory with a reference orbit.
- particleName() - Method in record class simpa.acc.api.utils.IntersectionData
Returns the value of the
record component. - ParticleTrackerTask - Class in simpa.core.api.track
Object for tasks that can be given to the particle tracker.
- ParticleTrackerTask(PotentialProvider, Particle, long, double, boolean) - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.track.ParticleTrackerTask
- ParticleType - Enum Class in simpa.core.api.track
Enum used for the categorizing of particles.
- PathUtils - Class in simpa.core.api.utils
Utilities for searching on a path (orbit).
- PHASE_SPACE_FILE_EXTENSION - Static variable in class simpa.core.api.FileNamingConventions
- phaseSpace() - Method in record class simpa.acc.api.utils.IntersectionData
Returns the value of the
record component. - PhaseSpaceCoordinates - Record Class in simpa.core.api.track
Non-mutable record for representing the phase space coordinates of a particle.
- PhaseSpaceCoordinates(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for record class simpa.core.api.track.PhaseSpaceCoordinates
Creates an instance of a
record class. - PhaseSpaceEllipse - Record Class in simpa.acc.api.track
- PhaseSpaceEllipse(double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for record class simpa.acc.api.track.PhaseSpaceEllipse
Creates an instance of a
record class. - PhaseSpaceObserver - Class in simpa.acc.api.track
Observer that can be added to a particle tracking task for observation of the phase space coordinates when it passes the observer disk.
- PhaseSpaceObserver(double, double, double, ReferenceOrbit, boolean) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.track.PhaseSpaceObserver
Constructs a disk with the given radius at the longitudinal position and writes the particle's phase space coordinates into the given file each time it is going through the disk.
- PhaseSpaceObserver(ReferenceOrbit, int, double, double, boolean) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.track.PhaseSpaceObserver
Constructs a disk with the given radius at the given index of the reference orbit and writes the particle's phase space coordinates into the given file each time it is going through the disk.
- PhaseSpacePlane - Enum Class in simpa.acc.api.track
Enum for the different types of phase space planes.
- phaseSpaceToFile(String) - Method in interface simpa.acc.api.utils.IntersectionCalculator
Writes the phase space coordinates to a file.
- PhysicsConstants - Class in simpa.core.api
Class that contains the constants related to physics for the application.
- PhysicsConstants() - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.PhysicsConstants
- PLAINTEXT - Enum constant in enum class simpa.core.api.OutputFileFormat
An enum to categorize a plaintext file.
- PLANE_AND_LINE_TOLERANCE - Static variable in class simpa.core.api.SystemConstants
Used for Plane Line intersection calculation by
- POINTS_FILE_EXTENSION - Static variable in class simpa.core.api.FileNamingConventions
- POINTS_IN_ARC - Static variable in class simpa.acc.api.create.Sequence
- PointSource - Interface in simpa.core.api
Accessible interface for PointSources.
- pos() - Method in record class simpa.acc.api.track.PhaseSpaceEllipse
Returns the value of the
record component. - PositionMismatchException - Exception Class in simpa.core.api.exceptions
An exception that can be thrown when a point is not at the expected place.
- PositionMismatchException(String) - Constructor for exception class simpa.core.api.exceptions.PositionMismatchException
Can be thrown when a point is not at the expected place.
- POSITIVE_ELEMENTARY_CHARGE - Static variable in class simpa.core.api.PhysicsConstants
- POSITRON - Enum constant in enum class simpa.core.api.track.ParticleType
Particle type that describes a positron.
- PotentialProvider - Interface in simpa.core.api
Accessible interface for PotentialProviders.
- potentialsWithDerivatives() - Method in record class simpa.core.api.track.TrajectoryData
Returns the value of the
record component. - printRMSErrorForSHFieldFile(String, PotentialProvider, int) - Method in class simpa.core.api.utils.RmsErrorCalculator
Prints the RMS (root mean square) error for a SHField in a given file.
- printTwiss(String) - Static method in record class simpa.acc.api.track.PhaseSpaceEllipse
Prints those Twiss parameters which can be calculated from a phase space file.
- printTwiss(TwissParameters) - Static method in record class simpa.acc.api.TwissParameters
Prints the given Twiss parameters
- printTwissParameters(double[]) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.BeamMatrix
Prints the twiss parameters to the console.
- Profile - Class in simpa.core.api
Object that represents a profile of the shape of the beam region.
- Profile(double, double, double, double, int, int) - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.Profile
Creates a rectangular profile in the X, Y plane.
- Profile(double, double, int, double) - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.Profile
Creates an ellipse profile in the X, Y plane with the following code:
- Profile(String) - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.Profile
Creates a general profile in the X, Y plane from a set of 3D points in the given file.
- projectToLocalX(Vector3D) - Method in class simpa.core.api.CurrentPointSource
Projects the given Vector point to the x-axis.
- projectToLocalY(Vector3D) - Method in class simpa.core.api.CurrentPointSource
Projects the given Vector point to the y-axis.
- projectToLocalZ(Vector3D) - Method in class simpa.core.api.CurrentPointSource
Projects the given Vector point to the z-axis.
- PROTON - Enum constant in enum class simpa.core.api.track.ParticleType
Particle type that describes a proton.
- PROTON_ENERGY - Static variable in class simpa.core.api.PhysicsConstants
The energy of a proton in eV.
- PROTON_MASS - Static variable in class simpa.core.api.PhysicsConstants
The mass of a proton in kg.
- px() - Method in record class simpa.core.api.track.TrajectoryData
Returns the value of the
record component. - py() - Method in record class simpa.core.api.track.TrajectoryData
Returns the value of the
record component. - pz() - Method in record class simpa.core.api.track.TrajectoryData
Returns the value of the
record component.
- qh() - Method in record class simpa.acc.api.Tune
Returns the value of the
record component. - Quadrature - Enum Class in simpa.core.api
Enum to specify the quadratura to be used for tiles on the boundary surface.
- Quadrature1D - Enum Class in simpa.core.api.utils
Gaussian 1D quadrature points and weights for interval -1.0, 1.0 See:
- QUADRILATERAL_4_POINTS - Enum constant in enum class simpa.core.api.Quadrature
- qv() - Method in record class simpa.acc.api.Tune
Returns the value of the
record component.
- read2DArray(InputStream, int) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.FileUtils
Reads a 2D array of doubles with the specified number of columns.
- read2DArray(String, int) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.FileUtils
Reads a two-dimensional array from a file.
- readBeamTrajectoryFile(String) - Static method in record class simpa.core.api.track.TrajectoryData
Reds the global trajectory of the particles from the beamTrajFile
- readByteBufferFromFile(String) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.FileUtils
Reads a ByteBuffer object from a file with the given filename
- readParticleTrajectoryFile(String) - Static method in record class simpa.core.api.track.TrajectoryData
Reads a trajectory data of a single particle from a file.
- readStlFile(InputStream) - Method in class simpa.core.api.utils.TextStlReader
Reads the contents of an STL file.
- readVectors(InputStream, int, double) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.FileUtils
Read vectors from a given column in an inputstream.
- readVectors(InputStream, LengthUnit) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.FileUtils
Read vectors from an inputstream.
- readVectors(String, int, double) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.FileUtils
Reads 3D vectors from a given file starting from the given column.
- readVectors(String, LengthUnit) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.FileUtils
Reads 3D vectors from a given file.
- ReferenceOrbit - Class in simpa.acc.api.create
A reference orbit.
- ReferenceOrbit(String, boolean, LocalFramesCalculator.Strategy, Vector3D) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.create.ReferenceOrbit
Create a reference orbit from points in a file.
- ReferenceOrbit(List<Vector3D>, boolean, LocalFramesCalculator.Strategy, Vector3D) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.create.ReferenceOrbit
Creates a reference orbit from a list of points.
- ReferenceOrbit(ReferenceOrbit, Rotation, Vector3D) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.create.ReferenceOrbit
Deep copy constructor with rotation and translation.
- resamplePath(String, String, Integer, Double[], Double, Double, Double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- reSamplePath(List<Vector3D>, List<Double>) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.PathUtils
Re-samples the given path.
- reset(boolean) - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.Particle
Resets the terminated flag to false, so the particle already tracked can be reused.
- RingBeamTracker - Class in simpa.acc.api.track
This class is for tracking a beam in a ring.
- RingBeamTracker(Beam, int, double, double, int, boolean) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.track.RingBeamTracker
- RingBeamTracker(Beam, int, double, double, int, boolean, List<Double>) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.track.RingBeamTracker
- ringOptics(Particle, Particle, Double, double, String, Integer, Boolean) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- RmsErrorCalculator - Class in simpa.core.api.utils
Utilities for calculating different types of errors for evaluation.
- RmsErrorCalculator() - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.utils.RmsErrorCalculator
- run() - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.ParticleTrackerTask
- sample(int) - Method in interface simpa.acc.api.utils.BeamSampler
- sample(int) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.EllipseBeamSampler
This method can be used to generate the phase space coordinated for the particles in a beam such that the particles are distributed in a ellipse.
- sample(int) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.GaussianBeamSampler
- scale(double) - Method in class simpa.core.api.CurrentPointSource
Scales the currents of the point source using a scaling factor.
- scale(double) - Method in class simpa.core.api.ElectricMonopole
- scale(double) - Method in interface simpa.core.api.PointSource
Multiplies the strength of this source with the given scaling factor
- SCALING_FACTOR - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingVariableType
Scaling factor for a fieldmap
- scanDirectory(String) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.FileUtils
Scan the output directory for existing output files
- scanTunes2D(double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.FrequencyAnalysis
Executes the tune scan by tracking particles for the given number of turns for each point in the tune diagram.
- Sequence - Class in simpa.acc.api.create
Class that represents a sequence of machine elements that make up an accelerator or a transfer line.
- Sequence(String, boolean, LocalFramesCalculator.Strategy, Vector3D) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.create.Sequence
Constructs a closed or open sequence representing a circular machine or a transfer line.
- sequenceSourcesToFile(String) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- serializeToFile(String, Map<String, Double>) - Method in class simpa.core.api.SHCombiner
Serializes the SHField to a file.
- setActiveSequence(Sequence) - Static method in class simpa.acc.api.create.Sequence
- setAggregateRadius(double) - Method in class simpa.core.api.SolverOptions
- setAngleSteps(int) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.DynamicAperture
- setAperture(Aperture) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.FrequencyAnalysis.FrequencyAnalysisBuilder
- setAperture(Aperture) - Method in interface simpa.core.api.PotentialProvider
Sets the aperture for the PotentialProvider.
- setBaseVectors(Vector3D, Vector3D, Vector3D) - Method in class simpa.core.api.CurrentPointSource
Set all the base vectors for the CurrentPointSource.
- setBeams(EllipseBeam, EllipseBeam) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.match.OpticsMultivariateFunction
Set the two beams to be tracked for optics calculation in a transfer line.
- setCenter(Vector3D) - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.ObserverDisk
Sets the center of this ObserverDisk
- setCentre(Vector3D) - Method in class simpa.core.api.SphereDescripton
- setCharge(double) - Method in class simpa.core.api.ElectricMonopole
- setCharge(double) - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.Particle
method for setting/updating the charge.
- setCurrent(double) - Method in class simpa.core.api.CurrentLoop
- setDebug(boolean) - Method in class simpa.core.api.SolverOptions
- setDefaultProfile(boolean) - Method in class simpa.core.api.Profile
- setDiskRadius(double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.FrequencyAnalysis.FrequencyAnalysisBuilder
Set the disk radius for the observer disk.
- setDpOp(double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.FrequencyAnalysis.FrequencyAnalysisBuilder
- setElevation(double) - Method in class simpa.core.api.TilingConfig
Sets the elevation of the surface points.
- setEmMax(double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.DynamicAperture
- setEmMin(double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.DynamicAperture
- setEndQh(double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.FrequencyAnalysis.FrequencyAnalysisBuilder
- setEndQv(double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.FrequencyAnalysis.FrequencyAnalysisBuilder
- setField(Vector3D) - Method in interface simpa.core.api.SurfacePoint
Sets the B or E field of the SurfacePoint.
- setFieldFromFile(String, double, LengthUnit) - Method in class simpa.core.api.BoundarySurface
Gets an electromagnetic field from a txt file
- setFieldScalingFactor(double) - Method in class simpa.core.api.TilingConfig
Method used for setting or updating the scaling factor used in
objects implementing this TilingConfig. - setFieldType(FieldType) - Method in class simpa.core.api.TilingConfig
Method used for setting or updating the field type used in
objects implementing this TilingConfig. - setFlushPerTurns(int) - Static method in class simpa.acc.api.track.PhaseSpaceObserver
Updates/sets the amount of turns between flushes.
- setFozen(boolean) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.Sequence
Used for indicating when a sequence is frozen.
- setGmresRestart(int) - Method in class simpa.core.api.SolverOptions
- setHEmittance(double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.FrequencyAnalysis.FrequencyAnalysisBuilder
- setInitialGuess(Double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingVariable
- setIntegrator(Double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- setLengthUnit(LengthUnit) - Method in class simpa.core.api.TilingConfig
Sets the length unit to be used for the diagnostic files.
- setLocalCurrentComponents(double, double, double) - Method in class simpa.core.api.CurrentPointSource
Set the components of the currents in the local frame.
- setLocation(Vector3D) - Method in class simpa.core.api.CurrentPointSource
- setLocation(Vector3D) - Method in class simpa.core.api.ElectricMonopole
- setLossCount(int) - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.BeamLossObserver
- setLosssPenaly(double) - Static method in class simpa.acc.api.match.SimpaMultivariateFunction
- setMass(double) - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.Particle
method for setting/updating the mass.
- setMatchingVariables(double[]) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.match.SigmaMultivariateFunction
- setMax(Double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingVariable
- setMaximumTurns(long) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.track.TurnObserver
Set the maximum number of turns.
- setMin(Double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingVariable
- setName(String) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.Beam
- setName(String) - Method in class simpa.core.api.TilingConfig
Sets the name of the magnet.
- setName(String) - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.Particle
Sets the name for the particle.
- setnThreads(int) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.DynamicAperture
- setNumberOfThreadsUsed(int) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.FrequencyAnalysis.FrequencyAnalysisBuilder
By default all threads are used.
- setOmega(double) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.track.TaosSymplecticIntegrator
Sets the coupling constant for Tao's method.
- setOptics(Optics) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.Sequence
Sets the optics belonging to this sequence.
- setOrbitStep(double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.Sequence
Set the step size for the orbit.
- setOutDir(String) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.FrequencyAnalysis.FrequencyAnalysisBuilder
Sets the output directory for the phase space coordinate files produced by the tracking during the tune scan.
- setOutDirectory(String) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.track.PhaseSpaceObserver
Sets the output directory.
- setOutputFileFormat(OutputFileFormat) - Method in class simpa.core.api.TilingConfig
Method used for setting or updating the outputFileFormat used in
objects implementing this TilingConfig. - setPartialOpticsAllowed(boolean) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.OpticsCalculator
Set if the optics calculation is allowed to be partial.
- setParticles(Particle, Particle) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.match.OpticsMultivariateFunction
Set the two particles to be tracked for optics calculation in a ring.
- setPatchRadius(double) - Method in class simpa.core.api.SolverOptions
- setPath(List<Vector3D>) - Method in class simpa.core.api.TilingConfig
Sets the path.
- setPlane(Plane) - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.ObserverDisk
Set the plane for this ObserverDisk
- setPotentialProvider(PotentialProvider) - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.TaosSymplecticIntegrator
- setPreviousKineticMomentum(Vector3D) - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.Particle
- setPreviousPosition(Vector3D) - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.Particle
- setPrintPerTurns(int) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.track.TurnObserver
Sets the amount of turns before information is logged to the console.
- setPrintStepNumbers(boolean) - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.TrajectoryObserver
Sets the boolean whether step numbers should be printed to the console.
- setPrototypeParticle(Particle) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.FrequencyAnalysis.FrequencyAnalysisBuilder
- setQuadrature(Quadrature) - Method in class simpa.core.api.TilingConfig
Sets the type of quadrature to be used for the tiling.
- setRadialSteps(int) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.DynamicAperture
- setRadius(double) - Method in class simpa.core.api.SphereDescripton
- setReferenceOrbit(ReferenceOrbit) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.Beam
- setReferenceOrbit(ReferenceOrbit) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.FrequencyAnalysis.FrequencyAnalysisBuilder
Sets the reference orbit of the ring.
- setReplay(boolean) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.FakeRandomGenerator
- setSampleTunes(List<Tune>) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.FrequencyAnalysis.FrequencyAnalysisBuilder
This method is used for setting a list of tunes corresponding to resonance free working points in the tune diagram.
- setScaling(double) - Method in class simpa.core.api.GlobalSourceArrangement
Method to set/update the global scaling.
- setScaling(double) - Method in class simpa.core.api.SourceArrangement
Sets the scaling of the source arrangement.
- setScalingMap(Map<String, Double>, boolean) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.Sequence
Set the scalings of the elements in the sequence and creates a potential provider from the scaled field maps.
- setScalings(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.FrequencyAnalysis.FrequencyAnalysisBuilder
Set the scaling map containing the elements in the ring.
- setScalings(Map<String, Double>, Boolean) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- setSliceOverlap(int) - Method in class simpa.core.api.SolverOptions
- setSliceWidth(int) - Method in class simpa.core.api.SolverOptions
- setStartQh(double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.FrequencyAnalysis.FrequencyAnalysisBuilder
- setStartQv(double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.FrequencyAnalysis.FrequencyAnalysisBuilder
- setStepSize(double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.DynamicAperture
- setStepsQh(int) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.FrequencyAnalysis.FrequencyAnalysisBuilder
- setStepsQv(int) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.FrequencyAnalysis.FrequencyAnalysisBuilder
- setTerminated(boolean) - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.Particle
- setTime(double) - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.Particle
- setTuneModel(TuneModel) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.FrequencyAnalysis.FrequencyAnalysisBuilder
Sets an the tune model to be used for the frequency analysis.
- setTurns(int) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.DynamicAperture
- setTurns(int) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.FrequencyAnalysis.FrequencyAnalysisBuilder
- setTurns(int) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.OpticsCalculator
Set the number of turns for the tracking of the particles used for optics calculation.
- setValue(Double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingVariable
- setVEmittance(double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.FrequencyAnalysis.FrequencyAnalysisBuilder
- setWritePhsTofile(boolean) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.track.TLBeamTracker
- SHCombiner - Class in simpa.core.api
Singleton pattern class that combines the SHField with a map of scalings and can serialize and deserialize the SHField to a file.
- SHCombiner() - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.SHCombiner
- shExpandAllGroups(Sequence, int, SphereCovering, Double, boolean, int) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.AccFieldFactory
Expands all the groups in the sequence one by one.
- shExpandGroup(Sequence, String, int, SphereCovering, Double, boolean, int) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.AccFieldFactory
Expands the potentials for the given accelerator element group of the machine inside the beam region with solid harmonics balls of a given maximum degree and writes the resulting binary field map file to the disk.
- SHFieldFactory - Class in simpa.core.api
Factory class for creating SHField implementations.
- SHFieldFactory() - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.SHFieldFactory
Creates a SHFieldFactory object
- shutdown() - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.ParallelTracker
Shuts down the underlying thread pool.
- SigmaMultivariateFunction - Class in simpa.acc.api.match
- SigmaMultivariateFunction(Beam, TwissParameters, Sequence, List<MatchingVariable>, List<MatchingTarget>, double, boolean, double) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.match.SigmaMultivariateFunction
- simpa.acc - module simpa.acc
Library containing the accelerator physics related extension to the SIMPA project, requires the simpa.core library to function.
- simpa.acc.api - package simpa.acc.api
This package contains the public interfaces and classes of the simpa.acc library.
- simpa.acc.api.create - package simpa.acc.api.create
This package contains all the interfaces and classes related to the creation and setting up of components to construct accelerators.
- simpa.acc.api.match - package simpa.acc.api.match
This package contains all the interfaces and classes related to optics matching or any other optimization which is performed by tracking beams or particles.
- simpa.acc.api.track - package simpa.acc.api.track
This package contains all the code specifically related to the tracking of particles in particle accelerators.
- simpa.acc.api.utils - package simpa.acc.api.utils
This package contains utility classes to help in using the simpa.acc module.
- simpa.core - module simpa.core
Library containing the core of the SIMPA Project.
- simpa.core.api - package simpa.core.api
This package contains all public interfaces and classes that can be programmed to.
- simpa.core.api.exceptions - package simpa.core.api.exceptions
This package contains the exceptions that can be thrown in the SIMPA Project.
- simpa.core.api.track - package simpa.core.api.track
This package contains the code related to tracking particles in SIMPA.
- simpa.core.api.utils - package simpa.core.api.utils
This package contains all utils that can be used to set up the SIMPA Core library.
- SimpaMultivariateFunction - Class in simpa.acc.api.match
- SimpaMultivariateFunction(Sequence, Map<String, Double>, List<MatchingVariable>, List<MatchingTarget>, double, boolean, double) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.match.SimpaMultivariateFunction
- SimpleTriangulator - Class in simpa.core.api.utils
Class for simple triangulation between profiles.
- SimpleTriangulator(List<Profile>, boolean) - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.utils.SimpleTriangulator
Create a triangulation between profiles.
- SimpleTriangulator(Profile, Profile) - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.utils.SimpleTriangulator
Create a triangulation between two profiles.
- SINGLE_ROW - Enum constant in enum class simpa.core.api.CoverType
- SINGLE_ROW_COVER_FILE_EXTENSION - Static variable in class simpa.core.api.FileNamingConventions
- SLICE - Enum constant in enum class simpa.core.api.SolverOptions.Preconditioner
- SOLUTION_FILE_EXTENSION - Static variable in class simpa.core.api.FileNamingConventions
- SolutionChecker - Class in simpa.core.api
Class that can be used to evaluate the precision of the solution.
- SolutionChecker(String, FieldType, LengthUnit) - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.SolutionChecker
Creates a new implementation for SolutionChecker.
- SolutionTransformer - Class in simpa.core.api.utils
Class for transforming solution files with a given rotation and/or translation.
- SolutionTransformer() - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.utils.SolutionTransformer
- solve(double) - Method in class simpa.core.api.Solver
Calculates the strength of the sources and saves it to a file.
- solve(double, SolverOptions) - Method in class simpa.core.api.Tiling
Solves the boundary problem with the allowed relative error.
- Solver - Class in simpa.core.api
Class for calculating the strength of sources.
- Solver(List<SurfacePoint>, FieldType) - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.Solver
Constructor for direct solver
- Solver(List<SurfacePoint>, FieldType, SolverOptions) - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.Solver
- Solver(FieldType, List<List<SurfacePoint>>, SolverOptions) - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.Solver
Special constructor for the slice preconditioner.
- SolverOptions - Class in simpa.core.api
- SolverOptions(SolverOptions.SolverType, SolverOptions.Preconditioner) - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.SolverOptions
- SolverOptions.Preconditioner - Enum Class in simpa.core.api
- SolverOptions.SolverType - Enum Class in simpa.core.api
- SOURCE_ARRANGEMENT - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.create.AccElement.ElementType
- SourceArrangement - Class in simpa.core.api
Class that contains a list of PointSource objects that make up a SourceArrangement.
- SourceArrangement(String, Vector3D, Rotation, double, String) - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.SourceArrangement
Sets the SourceArrangement based on a given file and applies the given translation and rotation.
- SourceArrangement(List<PointSource>, double, String) - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.SourceArrangement
Constructs a SourceArrangement out of a list of point sources.
- sourcePositionsToFile(String) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.Sequence
Writes a text file containing all source positions to the given file.
- sourcePositionsToFile(String) - Method in class simpa.core.api.SourceArrangement
Writes a text file containing all source positions to the given file in the working directory.
- sourcesToFile(String) - Method in class simpa.core.api.BoundarySurface
Writes the sources to a file.
- sourceToString() - Method in interface simpa.core.api.SurfacePoint
Prints the source to a string.
- SPEED_OF_LIGHT - Static variable in class simpa.core.api.PhysicsConstants
The speed of light in m/s.
- SPEED_OF_LIGHT_SQUARED - Static variable in class simpa.core.api.PhysicsConstants
The speed of light squared in m/s.
- SphereCovering - Interface in simpa.core.api
Interface with factory methods for creating different SphereCovering implementations.
- SphereDescripton - Class in simpa.core.api
Class that describes a single sphere.
- SphereDescripton(Vector3D, double) - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.SphereDescripton
- STATIC_ELECTRIC - Enum constant in enum class simpa.core.api.FieldType
Enum for static electric field types
- STATIC_MAGNETIC - Enum constant in enum class simpa.core.api.FieldType
Enum for static magnetic field types
- StlAperture - Class in simpa.core.api.track
Implementation of the Aperture interface that constructs its aperture from an STL file.
- StlAperture(String) - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.track.StlAperture
Initializes the aperture from an STL file.
- STORE_AND_WRITE - Enum constant in enum class simpa.core.api.track.TrackingObserver.ObserverBehaviour
- STORE_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class simpa.core.api.track.TrackingObserver.ObserverBehaviour
- SurfacePoint - Interface in simpa.core.api
Accessible interface for SurfacePoint.
- surfacePointCoordinatesToFile(String, LengthUnit, OutputFileFormat) - Method in class simpa.core.api.BoundarySurface
Writes the surface points to a text file.
- surfacePointsToString(LengthUnit) - Method in class simpa.core.api.BoundarySurface
- survey(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, String, String) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- Survey - Class in simpa.acc.api.utils
This utility class is for verification of a sequence against MAD-X SURVEY command output.
- Survey(Sequence, double, double, double, double, double, double, String) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.utils.Survey
Construct a survey object from the given sequence and parameters.
- systemCall(String) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- SystemConstants - Class in simpa.core.api
Constants used internally.
- SystemConstants() - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.SystemConstants
- t() - Method in record class simpa.core.api.track.TrajectoryData
Returns the value of the
record component. - TangentVector3D - Record Class in simpa.core.api
Object representing vector that is tangent to a curve or surface at a given point.
- TangentVector3D(Vector3D, Vector3D) - Constructor for record class simpa.core.api.TangentVector3D
Creates an instance of a
record class. - TaosSymplecticIntegrator - Class in simpa.core.api.track
- TEST_RESOURCE_PATH - Static variable in class simpa.core.api.SystemConstants
Resource path for test files
- TEXT_FILE_EXTENSION - Static variable in class simpa.core.api.FileNamingConventions
- TextStlReader - Class in simpa.core.api.utils
Utility specific for reading STL files.
- TextStlReader() - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.utils.TextStlReader
Constructs the STL reader with empty lists.
- TextStlWriter - Class in simpa.core.api.utils
- TextStlWriter() - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.utils.TextStlWriter
- THREE_POINT_GAUSSIAN - Enum constant in enum class simpa.core.api.utils.Quadrature1D
- Tiling - Class in simpa.core.api
The tiling for a machine element.
- Tiling(TilingConfig) - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.Tiling
Constructs the tiling for a machine element with the given tiling config.
- TilingConfig - Class in simpa.core.api
Object that holds the configuration for tiling.
- TilingConfig(String, Profile, List<Vector3D>, LengthUnit, double, OutputFileFormat, double, FieldType) - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.TilingConfig
Construct a config for tiling.
- TL_BEAM_PHASE_SPACE_FILE_EXTENSION - Static variable in class simpa.core.api.FileNamingConventions
- TLBeamTracker - Class in simpa.acc.api.track
This class is for tracking a beam in a line.
- TLBeamTracker(Beam, double, double, int, List<Double>, boolean) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.track.TLBeamTracker
- TLBeamTracker(Beam, double, double, List<Double>, boolean) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.track.TLBeamTracker
- TLPhaseSpaceObserver - Class in simpa.acc.api.track
A phase space observer which extends the
class. - TLPhaseSpaceObserver(double, double, ReferenceOrbit, double, boolean) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.track.TLPhaseSpaceObserver
Constructor for a phase space observer in a transfer line.
- TMP_DIR - Static variable in class simpa.core.api.SystemConstants
TMP directory of the operating system
- toFile(String) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.VacuumChamber
Writes all profiles into a file.
- toFile(String) - Method in interface simpa.core.api.SphereCovering
Writes the sphere covering to a file.
- toString() - Method in record class simpa.acc.api.track.PhaseSpaceEllipse
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class simpa.acc.api.Tune
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class simpa.acc.api.TwissParameters
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class simpa.acc.api.utils.IntersectionData
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class simpa.core.api.CurrentPointSource
- toString() - Method in class simpa.core.api.ElectricMonopole
- toString() - Method in class simpa.core.api.Profile
Returns the points in the profile as string for debugging.
- toString() - Method in record class simpa.core.api.TangentVector3D
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.Particle
- toString() - Method in record class simpa.core.api.track.PhaseSpaceCoordinates
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class simpa.core.api.track.TrajectoryData
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class simpa.core.api.utils.LocalFrame
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class simpa.core.api.utils.Triangulation
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- track() - Method in class simpa.acc.api.track.BeamTracker
Tracks the beam.
- track(int) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.DynamicAperture
First it sets up the particle for the frequency analysys, then tracks particles for the specified number of turns.
- track(Particle, Beam, Integer, Double, Double[], Double, Boolean, String, Boolean, Integer, Boolean) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- TrackingObserver - Interface in simpa.core.api.track
Interface for particle observers.
- TrackingObserver.ObserverBehaviour - Enum Class in simpa.core.api.track
Describes how the some observer behaves.
- trackInLineAndCalculate(boolean, EllipseBeam, EllipseBeam, PotentialProvider, double, double, boolean) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.OpticsCalculator
Tracks the two beams in a transfer line, then calculates the optical functions from two beam trajectory files.
- trackInRingAndCalculate(Particle, Particle, PotentialProvider, double, double, boolean) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.OpticsCalculator
Tracks the two particles in a ring given as parameters, then calculates the optical functions from two trajectory files.
- TRAJECTORY_FILE_EXTENSION - Static variable in class simpa.core.api.FileNamingConventions
- TrajectoryData - Record Class in simpa.core.api.track
Trajectory Observer registers the trajectory of a particle with this data.
- TrajectoryData(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double[][]) - Constructor for record class simpa.core.api.track.TrajectoryData
Creates an instance of a
record class. - TrajectoryObserver - Class in simpa.core.api.track
Object that can be added as an observer to a
. - TrajectoryObserver(TrackingObserver.ObserverBehaviour, boolean) - Constructor for class simpa.core.api.track.TrajectoryObserver
- transform(String, Rotation, boolean, Vector3D, boolean, String) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.SolutionTransformer
Rotates then translates the position and orientation of the sources (for current sources, electric monopoles are only translated) in a solution file corresponding to the accelerator element with the given name.
- transform(List<Vector3D>, Rotation, Vector3D) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.PathUtils
Applies the rotation, then the translation to the given path.
- transform(CurrentLoop, Rotation, Vector3D) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.CurrentLoop
Get a copy with the given transformations applied.
- transformAccElement(String, Rotation, Vector3D, Boolean, Boolean, String) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- transformSources(Vector3D, Rotation) - Method in class simpa.core.api.SourceArrangement
Creates a transformed instance.
- TRIANGLE_3_POINTS - Enum constant in enum class simpa.core.api.Quadrature
- triangulateProfile(Profile, boolean) - Method in class simpa.core.api.utils.SimpleTriangulator
Create a triangulation by connecting the center point of the profile with the points of the profile.
- Triangulation - Record Class in simpa.core.api.utils
A record to fold data for triangulation of extruded surfaces with possible end cups.
- Triangulation(List<Vector3D>, List<int[]>) - Constructor for record class simpa.core.api.utils.Triangulation
Creates an instance of a
record class. - Tune - Record Class in simpa.acc.api
- Tune(double, double) - Constructor for record class simpa.acc.api.Tune
Creates an instance of a
record class. - TuneCalculator - Class in simpa.acc.api.utils
Class for calculating the tune of an accelerator machine.
- TuneCalculator(String) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.utils.TuneCalculator
construct the tune calculator using and input file with phase space coordinates.
- TuneModel - Interface in simpa.acc.api.utils
Interface to be implemented to describe some optical features of a circular machine at different working points.
- TurnObserver - Class in simpa.acc.api.track
An observer that counts the amount of turns a particle makes in the machine.
- TurnObserver(ReferenceOrbit, double, boolean) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.track.TurnObserver
- twiss(String) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- TwissParameters - Record Class in simpa.acc.api
Record to hold the Twiss parameters.
- TwissParameters(double, PhaseSpaceEllipse, PhaseSpaceEllipse, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for record class simpa.acc.api.TwissParameters
Creates an instance of a
record class. - TwissParameters.Builder - Class in simpa.acc.api
- TWO_POINT_GAUSSIAN - Enum constant in enum class simpa.core.api.utils.Quadrature1D
- updateMomentum(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.Particle
Update the canonical momentum.
- updatePosition(double, double, double) - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.Particle
- updateScalingMap(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.Sequence
Updates the scalings of this sequence with the given scaling map.
- updateScalings(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- upSamplePath(List<Vector3D>, double) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.PathUtils
Up-samples the given path.
- useSequence(String) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- V_ALPHA - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingTargetType
Vertical alpha calculated from the the fitted phase space ellipse at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.
- V_ANGLE - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingTargetType
Vertical angle [rad] of the fitted phase space ellipse center at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.
- V_BETA - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingTargetType
Vertical beta calculated from the the fitted phase space ellipse at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.
- V_DISPERSION - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingTargetType
Vertical dispersion [m] calculated from the the fitted phase space ellipse at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.
- V_PHASE_ADVANCE - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingTargetType
Vertical phase advance [rad] calculated from the the fitted phase space ellipse at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.
- V_PICKUP - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.create.AccElement.ElementType
- V_POSITION - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingTargetType
Vertical position [m] of the fitted phase space ellipse center at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.
- V_SIGMA - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingTargetType
Vertical sigma of the beam size [m] calculated at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.
- VacuumChamber - Class in simpa.acc.api.create
Represents a vacuum chamber for one or more accelerator elements in the global frame.
- VacuumChamber(ExtrudedSurface, Rotation, Vector3D, String) - Constructor for class simpa.acc.api.create.VacuumChamber
Creates a translated and rotated instance of the given surface (defined in a local frame by the surface object) in the global frame.
- value(double[]) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.match.OpticsMultivariateFunction
Calculates the objective function value from the array of values for each variables.
- value(double[]) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.match.SigmaMultivariateFunction
- value(double[]) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.match.SimpaMultivariateFunction
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class simpa.acc.api.create.AccElement.ElementType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingTargetType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingValueType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingVariableType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class simpa.acc.api.track.PhaseSpacePlane
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class simpa.core.api.CoverType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class simpa.core.api.FieldType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class simpa.core.api.LengthUnit
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class simpa.core.api.OutputFileFormat
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class simpa.core.api.Quadrature
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class simpa.core.api.SolverOptions.Preconditioner
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class simpa.core.api.SolverOptions.SolverType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class simpa.core.api.track.ParticleType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class simpa.core.api.track.TrackingObserver.ObserverBehaviour
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class simpa.core.api.utils.LocalFramesCalculator.Strategy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class simpa.core.api.utils.Quadrature1D
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum class simpa.acc.api.create.AccElement.ElementType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingTargetType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingValueType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class simpa.acc.api.match.MatchingVariableType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class simpa.acc.api.track.PhaseSpacePlane
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class simpa.core.api.CoverType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class simpa.core.api.FieldType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class simpa.core.api.LengthUnit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class simpa.core.api.OutputFileFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class simpa.core.api.Quadrature
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class simpa.core.api.SolverOptions.Preconditioner
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class simpa.core.api.SolverOptions.SolverType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class simpa.core.api.track.ParticleType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class simpa.core.api.track.TrackingObserver.ObserverBehaviour
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class simpa.core.api.utils.LocalFramesCalculator.Strategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class simpa.core.api.utils.Quadrature1D
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- vEllipse() - Method in record class simpa.acc.api.TwissParameters
Returns the value of the
record component. - vEllipse(PhaseSpaceEllipse) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.TwissParameters.Builder
- VERTICAL - Enum constant in enum class simpa.acc.api.track.PhaseSpacePlane
Vertical phase space plane.
- vertices() - Method in record class simpa.core.api.utils.Triangulation
Returns the value of the
record component.
- waitTermination() - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.ParallelTracker
Awaits the termination of all tasks on all threads.
- write(BufferedWriter) - Method in record class simpa.core.api.track.TrajectoryData
Writes this trajectory data to the given output stream.
- WRITE_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class simpa.core.api.track.TrackingObserver.ObserverBehaviour
- writeByteBufferToFile(ByteBuffer, String) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.FileUtils
Writes a ByteBuffer to a file with the given filename.
- writeCheckPoints(Vector3D, double, double) - Method in class simpa.core.api.Tiling
Writes checkpoints to a file.
- writeDoubleArrayToFile(String, double[][], boolean) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.FileUtils
Writes the given 2D array to a file.
- writeHCPLatticeCover(String, double) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.BeamRegion
Writes a HCP lattice cover file for the beam region.
- writeMaptoFileWithS(String, Map<String, Vector3D>) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.ReferenceOrbit
Writes the the map into a file sorted by longitudinal position with the following layout: s[m] x[m] y[m] z[m] ElementName s is the longitudinal position along the orbit.
- writeOptics(String) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.match.Matcher
Writes the optics to a file.
- writeOrbitAtBPMPositons(String, PhaseSpacePlane) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.OrbitAtBPMs
Write the orbit positions to a file at each BPM in the sequence.
- writeSigmas(String) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.utils.BeamSizeCalculator
This method writes the horizontal and vertical beam sizes to a file.
- writeSTLTextFile(String) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.BeamRegion
Write the surface representing the beam region to an STL text file.
- writeSTLTextFile(Triangulation, String) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.TextStlWriter
- writeSurfacePoints() - Method in class simpa.core.api.Tiling
Writes a file with the coordinates of the surface points on the boundary of the accelerator element.
- writeSurfacePoints(TilingConfig) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.AccCli
- writeTextFile(String, String) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.FileUtils
Writes the given string to a text file.
- writeToFile(String) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.create.ReferenceOrbit
Writes the reference orbit to a file with the given name.
- writeToFile(String) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.Optics
Writes the Optics to a file, but only the Twiss parameters.
- writeToFile(String) - Method in class simpa.acc.api.track.TLPhaseSpaceObserver
Write the phase space coordinates of the particle in a beam hitting this observer to a file.
- writeToFile(String) - Method in class simpa.core.api.FieldMap
Serialize this fieldmap to a binary file.
- writeToFile(String) - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.BeamLossObserver
Writes the lost particles to a file.
- writeToFile(String) - Method in class simpa.core.api.track.BeamTrajectoryObserver
Write the trajectory of the particles in a beam hitting this observer to a file.
- writeToFile(String, int) - Method in class simpa.core.api.utils.LocalFramesCalculator
Writes the reference frame unit vectors into a file
- writeToFile(String, Quadrature1D, int) - Method in class simpa.core.api.CurrentLoop
Write the the current point sources approximating this current loop.
- writeVectors(String, List<Vector3D>) - Static method in class simpa.core.api.utils.FileUtils
Writes given vectors to a file with a given name.
- x() - Method in record class simpa.core.api.track.PhaseSpaceCoordinates
Returns the value of the
record component. - x() - Method in record class simpa.core.api.track.TrajectoryData
Returns the value of the
record component. - xp() - Method in record class simpa.core.api.track.PhaseSpaceCoordinates
Returns the value of the
record component.
- y() - Method in record class simpa.core.api.track.PhaseSpaceCoordinates
Returns the value of the
record component. - y() - Method in record class simpa.core.api.track.TrajectoryData
Returns the value of the
record component. - yp() - Method in record class simpa.core.api.track.PhaseSpaceCoordinates
Returns the value of the
record component.
- z() - Method in record class simpa.core.api.track.PhaseSpaceCoordinates
Returns the value of the
record component. - z() - Method in record class simpa.core.api.track.TrajectoryData
Returns the value of the
record component. - zp() - Method in record class simpa.core.api.track.PhaseSpaceCoordinates
Returns the value of the
record component.
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