Module simpa.acc

Enum Class MatchingVariableType

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<MatchingVariableType>, Constable

public enum MatchingVariableType extends Enum<MatchingVariableType>
Enum representing various matching variable types. All matching variables types belongs to the case when the matching is done for the initial beam parameters usually to match unknown initial conditions of a transfer line. The only exception is the SCALING_FACTOR, which is used when the scaling factor of a field map is the matching variable.
  • Enum Constant Details


      public static final MatchingVariableType INITIAL_H_EMITTANCE
      Horizontal initial emittance [m*rad] at the beginning of the transfer line. It should not be used for rings. The beam is created with a different emmitance at each iteration of the matching.

      public static final MatchingVariableType INITIAL_H_ALPHA
      Horizontal initial alpha at the beginning of the transfer line. It should not be used for rings. The beam is created with a different alpha at each iteration of the matching.

      public static final MatchingVariableType INITIAL_H_BETA
      Horizontal initial beta at the beginning of the transfer line. It should not be used for rings. The beam is created with a different beta at each iteration of the matching.

      public static final MatchingVariableType INITIAL_H_POSITION
      Horizontal initial position [m] at the beginning of the transfer line. It should not be used for rings. The beam is created with a different position at each iteration of the matching.

      public static final MatchingVariableType INITIAL_H_ANGLE
      Horizontal initial angle [rad] at the beginning of the transfer line. It should not be used for rings. The beam is created with a different angle at each iteration of the matching.

      public static final MatchingVariableType INITIAL_H_DISP
      Horizontal initial dispersion [m] at the beginning of the transfer line. It should not be used for rings. The beam is created with a different dispersion at each iteration of the matching.

      public static final MatchingVariableType INITIAL_V_EMITTANCE
      Vertical initial emittance [m*rad] at the beginning of the transfer line. It should not be used for rings. The beam is created with a different emmitance at each iteration of the matching.

      public static final MatchingVariableType INITIAL_V_ALPHA
      Vertical initial alpha at the beginning of the transfer line. It should not be used for rings. The beam is created with a different alpha at each iteration of the matching.

      public static final MatchingVariableType INITIAL_V_BETA
      Vertical initial beta [m] at the beginning of the transfer line. It should not be used for rings. The beam is created with a different beta at each iteration of the matching.

      public static final MatchingVariableType INITIAL_V_POSITION
      Vertical initial position [m] at the beginning of the transfer line. It should not be used for rings. The beam is created with a different position at each iteration of the matching.

      public static final MatchingVariableType INITIAL_V_ANGLE
      Vertical initial angle [rad] at the beginning of the transfer line. It should not be used for rings. The beam is created with a different angle at each iteration of the matching.

      public static final MatchingVariableType INITIAL_V_DISP
      Vertical initial dispersion [m] at the beginning of the transfer line. It should not be used for rings. The beam is created with a different dispersion at each iteration of the matching.

      public static final MatchingVariableType SCALING_FACTOR
      Scaling factor for a fieldmap
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static MatchingVariableType[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static MatchingVariableType valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null