Module simpa.acc

Enum Class MatchingTargetType

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<MatchingTargetType>, Constable

public enum MatchingTargetType extends Enum<MatchingTargetType>
Enum listing the parameters that can be matched. It contains also the default weight for each parameter.
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.lang.Enum

    Enum.EnumDesc<E extends Enum<E>>
  • Enum Constant Summary

    Enum Constants
    Enum Constant
    Horizontal alpha calculated from the the fitted phase space ellipse at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.
    Horizontal angle [rad] of the fitted phase space ellipse center at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.
    Horizontal beta calculated from the the fitted phase space ellipse at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.
    Horizontal dispersion [m] calculated from the the fitted phase space ellipse at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.
    Horizontal phase advance [rad] calculated from the the fitted phase space ellipse at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.
    Horizontal position [m] of the fitted phase space ellipse center at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.
    Horizontal sigma of the beam size [m] calculated at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.
    Maximum absolute value [m] of the horizontal dispersion in the sequence.
    Maximum absolute value [m] of the vertical dispersion in the sequence.
    Horizontal maximum beta [m] in the sequence.
    Horizontal maximum dispersion [m] in the sequence.
    Vertical maximum beta [m] in the sequence.
    Vertical maximum dispersion [m] in the sequence.
    Horizontal minimum dispersion [m] in the sequence.
    Vertical minimum dispersion [m] in the sequence.
    Vertical alpha calculated from the the fitted phase space ellipse at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.
    Vertical angle [rad] of the fitted phase space ellipse center at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.
    Vertical beta calculated from the the fitted phase space ellipse at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.
    Vertical dispersion [m] calculated from the the fitted phase space ellipse at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.
    Vertical phase advance [rad] calculated from the the fitted phase space ellipse at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.
    Vertical position [m] of the fitted phase space ellipse center at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.
    Vertical sigma of the beam size [m] calculated at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
    Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Enum

    compareTo, describeConstable, equals, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, toString, valueOf

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Enum Constant Details


      public static final MatchingTargetType H_POSITION
      Horizontal position [m] of the fitted phase space ellipse center at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.

      public static final MatchingTargetType V_POSITION
      Vertical position [m] of the fitted phase space ellipse center at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.
    • H_ANGLE

      public static final MatchingTargetType H_ANGLE
      Horizontal angle [rad] of the fitted phase space ellipse center at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.
    • V_ANGLE

      public static final MatchingTargetType V_ANGLE
      Vertical angle [rad] of the fitted phase space ellipse center at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.
    • H_ALPHA

      public static final MatchingTargetType H_ALPHA
      Horizontal alpha calculated from the the fitted phase space ellipse at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.
    • V_ALPHA

      public static final MatchingTargetType V_ALPHA
      Vertical alpha calculated from the the fitted phase space ellipse at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.
    • H_BETA

      public static final MatchingTargetType H_BETA
      Horizontal beta calculated from the the fitted phase space ellipse at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.
    • V_BETA

      public static final MatchingTargetType V_BETA
      Vertical beta calculated from the the fitted phase space ellipse at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.

      public static final MatchingTargetType H_PHASE_ADVANCE
      Horizontal phase advance [rad] calculated from the the fitted phase space ellipse at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.

      public static final MatchingTargetType V_PHASE_ADVANCE
      Vertical phase advance [rad] calculated from the the fitted phase space ellipse at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.

      public static final MatchingTargetType H_DISPERSION
      Horizontal dispersion [m] calculated from the the fitted phase space ellipse at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.

      public static final MatchingTargetType V_DISPERSION
      Vertical dispersion [m] calculated from the the fitted phase space ellipse at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.
    • H_SIGMA

      public static final MatchingTargetType H_SIGMA
      Horizontal sigma of the beam size [m] calculated at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.
    • V_SIGMA

      public static final MatchingTargetType V_SIGMA
      Vertical sigma of the beam size [m] calculated at a given longitudinal position in the sequence.

      public static final MatchingTargetType MAXIMUM_H_BETA
      Horizontal maximum beta [m] in the sequence.

      public static final MatchingTargetType MAXIMUM_V_BETA
      Vertical maximum beta [m] in the sequence.

      public static final MatchingTargetType MAXIMUM_H_DISPERSION
      Horizontal maximum dispersion [m] in the sequence.

      public static final MatchingTargetType MAXIMUM_V_DISPERSION
      Vertical maximum dispersion [m] in the sequence.

      public static final MatchingTargetType MINIMUM_H_DISPERSION
      Horizontal minimum dispersion [m] in the sequence. Useful when the dispersion is negative.

      public static final MatchingTargetType MINIMUM_V_DISPERSION
      Vertical minimum dispersion [m] in the sequence. Useful when the dispersion is negative.

      public static final MatchingTargetType MAXIMUM_ABS_H_POSITION
      Maximum absolute value [m] of the horizontal dispersion in the sequence.

      public static final MatchingTargetType MAXIMUM_ABS_V_POSITION
      Maximum absolute value [m] of the vertical dispersion in the sequence.
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static MatchingTargetType[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static MatchingTargetType valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • getDefaultWeight

      public double getDefaultWeight()
      The default weight for this parameter
    • isGlobalParameter

      public boolean isGlobalParameter()
      True if the parameter is global for the sequence.
    • isBeamParameter

      public boolean isBeamParameter()
      True if the parameter is a result of an optics calculation. When this is true the parameter is calculated during the matching. Otherwise the tracking date will be processed otherwise for the matching.