Module simpa.core

Class TilingConfig


public class TilingConfig extends Object
Object that holds the configuration for tiling.
  • Constructor Details

    • TilingConfig

      public TilingConfig(String name, Profile profile, List<org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D> path, LengthUnit lengthUnit, double elevation, OutputFileFormat outputFileFormat, double fieldScalingFactor, FieldType fieldType)
      Construct a config for tiling.
      name - Name of the tiling.
      profile - Profile to use in the tiling.
      path - Path around which to construct the tiling.
      lengthUnit - LengthUnit of the path.
      elevation - Elevation of the element.
      outputFileFormat - The format of the output file.
      fieldScalingFactor - The scaling factor for the field.
      fieldType - The type of field in the element.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      public String getName() throws NotSetException
      Gets the name of the magnet. All files created during the tiling will be named with this name and some extension according to the content of the file.
      name of the magnet
      NotSetException - when the name of the magnet is not yet set
    • getProfile

      public Profile getProfile() throws NotSetException
      Profile which is extruded along the path to make a surface.
      NotSetException - when the profile is not set
    • setName

      public void setName(String name)
      Sets the name of the magnet. All files created during the tiling will be named with this name and some extension according to the content of the file.
      name - name to set
    • getPath

      public List<org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D> getPath() throws NotSetException
      Gets the path in [meters]. The boundary surface of the magnet to be tiled is an extrusion of a rectangular profile along the curve.
      NotSetException - when the path is not yet set
    • setPath

      public void setPath(List<org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D> path)
      Sets the path. It should be given in [meters]. The boundary surface of the magnet to be tiled is an extrusion of a rectangular profile along the curve.
      path - list of vectors
    • getLengthUnit

      public LengthUnit getLengthUnit() throws NotSetException
      Gets the length unit to be used for the diagnostic files.
      Length unit.
      NotSetException - when the length unit is not yet set.
    • setLengthUnit

      public void setLengthUnit(LengthUnit lengthUnit)
      Sets the length unit to be used for the diagnostic files.
      lengthUnit - The length unit.
    • getElevation

      public double getElevation()
      Gets the elevation of the surface points. This determines what distance the source monopoles will be placed from the tile.
      the elevation
    • setElevation

      public void setElevation(double elevation)
      Sets the elevation of the surface points. This determines what distance the source monopoles will be placed from the tile.
      elevation - elevation of the surface points
    • getOutputFileFormat

      public OutputFileFormat getOutputFileFormat()
      Gets the output file format used in this TilingConfig.
      output file format.
    • setOutputFileFormat

      public void setOutputFileFormat(OutputFileFormat outputFileFormat)
      Method used for setting or updating the outputFileFormat used in Tiling objects implementing this TilingConfig.
      outputFileFormat - output file format.
    • getFieldType

      public FieldType getFieldType()
      Gets the type of field used in this tiling config.
      the type of field.
    • setFieldType

      public void setFieldType(FieldType fieldType)
      Method used for setting or updating the field type used in Tiling objects implementing this TilingConfig.
      fieldType - the type of field.
    • getFieldScalingFactor

      public double getFieldScalingFactor()
      Gets the scaling factor of the field in this tiling config.
      scaling factor.
    • setFieldScalingFactor

      public void setFieldScalingFactor(double fieldScalingFactor)
      Method used for setting or updating the scaling factor used in Tiling objects implementing this TilingConfig.
      fieldScalingFactor - the scaling factor to update to.
    • getQuadrature

      public Quadrature getQuadrature()
      The type of quadrature to be used for the tiling. The SurfacePoint instances will be placed on the quadratura points on the surface tiles.
    • setQuadrature

      public void setQuadrature(Quadrature quadrature)
      Sets the type of quadrature to be used for the tiling.
      quadrature -