Module simpa.acc

Class DynamicAperture


public class DynamicAperture extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • DynamicAperture

      public DynamicAperture(ReferenceOrbit refOrbit, PotentialProvider potProvider, String outDir, double diskRadius, TwissParameters twiss, double momentum) throws Exception
      Constructor with the reference orbit, potential provider, output directory, disk radius, twiss parameters and momentum. The reference orbit must be closed for dynamic aperture. The additinal parameters has some resonable default values whivh can be changed.
      refOrbit - A closed`reference orbit.
      potProvider - A potential provider for the tracking.
      outDir - Output directory. The phase space observer will write files into this directory.
      diskRadius - The disk radius for the observer.
      twiss - The twiss parameters at the longitudinal position of the reference orbit, where theparticles are inserted into the ring. The twiss pparameters object containt a field for the longitudinal position which will be used to determine the insertion point.
      momentum -
  • Method Details

    • track

      public void track(int turns) throws IOException, OutOfApertureException, KnownFatalException
      First it sets up the particle for the frequency analysys, then tracks particles for the specified number of turns.
      FileNotFoundException - If some input file is missing.
    • calculate

      public double calculate() throws IOException
      Before calling this method the tracking must be done with the track method. Calculates the dynamic aperture using the normal form formula B5 in: The method used here a bit different,we get the emittance with phase space ellipse fitting. The invariant rho in B5 eq. is half of the emittance. It writes a file named lastConnectedEmittances.txt into the output directory containing the last connected emittances for each angle step.
    • getTurns

      public int getTurns()
    • setTurns

      public void setTurns(int turns)
    • getnThreads

      public int getnThreads()
    • setnThreads

      public void setnThreads(int nThreads)
    • getStepSize

      public double getStepSize()
    • setStepSize

      public void setStepSize(double stepSize)
    • getAngleSteps

      public int getAngleSteps()
    • setAngleSteps

      public void setAngleSteps(int angleSteps)
    • getRadialSteps

      public int getRadialSteps()
    • setRadialSteps

      public void setRadialSteps(int radialSteps)
    • getEmMin

      public double getEmMin()
    • setEmMin

      public void setEmMin(double emMin)
    • getEmMax

      public double getEmMax()
    • setEmMax

      public void setEmMax(double emMax)