Module simpa.acc

Class BeamSizeCalculator


public class BeamSizeCalculator extends Object
This class calculates the beam sizes along the sequence.
  • Constructor Details

    • BeamSizeCalculator

      public BeamSizeCalculator(Optics opt, double horEmittance, double vertEmittance, double dpOp)
      Constructor with a given optics and emittances. It calculates the beam sizes along the sequence from the Twiss parameters in the optics.
      opt - The optics data.
      horEmittance - The horizontal emittance.[m.rad]
      vertEmittance - The vertical emittance.[m.rad]
      dpOp - Relative momentum spread.
    • BeamSizeCalculator

      public BeamSizeCalculator(String trajectoryFile, ReferenceOrbit designOrbit, double maxAperture)
      Constructor with a given trajectory file and design orbit. It calculates the beam sizes along the sequence from the trajectory file.
      trajectoryFile - The trajectory file.
      designOrbit - The design orbit.
      maxAperture - The maximum aperture. It is used for determine the observer disks radius This number is in meters.
    • BeamSizeCalculator

      public BeamSizeCalculator(Map<String,List<TrajectoryData>> trajMap, ReferenceOrbit designOrbit, double maxAperture)
      Constructor with a given trajectory map and design orbit. It calculates the beam sizes along the sequence from the trajectory map.
      trajMap - The trajectory map. Keys are the particle names in the beam.
      designOrbit - The design orbit.
      maxAperture - The maximum aperture. It is used for determine the
  • Method Details

    • getHorizontalBeamSize

      public Map<Double,Double> getHorizontalBeamSize()
      The horizontal beam size.
    • getVerticalBeamSize

      public Map<Double,Double> getVerticalBeamSize(Optics opt, double vertEmittance, double dpOp)
      The vertical beam size.
    • writeSigmas

      public void writeSigmas(String outFile)
      This method writes the horizontal and vertical beam sizes to a file.
      outFile - The output file.
      optics - The optics data.
      horEmittance - The horizontal emittance.[m.rad]
      vertEmittance - The vertical emittance.[m.rad]
      dpOp - Relative momentum spread.