Module simpa.core

Class BoundarySurface


public class BoundarySurface extends Object
Describes the surface that is bounding the volume of interest where the field should be reproduced by the sources. This class holds a list of SurfacePoint and provides reading and writing them to a file.
  • Constructor Details

    • BoundarySurface

      public BoundarySurface(ArrayList<SurfacePoint> surfacePoints)
      Creates a BoundarySurface object.
      surfacePoints - the surface points that make up the boundary surface of the volume.
  • Method Details

    • surfacePointCoordinatesToFile

      public void surfacePointCoordinatesToFile(String name, LengthUnit unit, OutputFileFormat off)
      Writes the surface points to a text file.
      name - name for the output file.
      unit - LengthUnit for the output.
      off - output file format, will add a header if OPERA3D is chosen.
    • setFieldFromFile

      public void setFieldFromFile(String filename, double fieldScalingFactor, LengthUnit unit) throws PositionMismatchException
      Gets an electromagnetic field from a txt file
      filename - - File contining the positions and the fields.
      fieldScalingFactor - - To scale the field
      unit - - The length unit in which the positions are given
      PositionMismatchException - when a point is not at the expected place.
    • sourcesToFile

      public void sourcesToFile(String solFile)
      Writes the sources to a file.
      solFile - solution file
    • surfacePointsToString

      public StringBuffer surfacePointsToString(LengthUnit unit)