Module simpa.acc

Class TLPhaseSpaceObserver

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TLPhaseSpaceObserver extends PhaseSpaceObserver
A phase space observer which extends the PhaseSpaceObserver class. This class is used to register the phase space coordinates of particles in a beam hitting this observer. It is used by the TLBeamTracker class. The phase space coordinates are written to a file when the tracking is finished. This is done by @TLBeamTracker} class.
  • Constructor Details

    • TLPhaseSpaceObserver

      public TLPhaseSpaceObserver(double longiPos, double radius, ReferenceOrbit orbit, double nominalMomentum, boolean backward)
      Constructor for a phase space observer in a transfer line.
      longiPos - Longitudinal position from the beginning of the line [m].
      radius - Radius of the disk. Should be big enough to cover the aperture.
      orbit - The reference orbit
      nominalMomentum - The nominal momentum [GeV/c]
  • Method Details