Module simpa.acc

Class SigmaMultivariateFunction

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SigmaMultivariateFunction extends SimpaMultivariateFunction
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • value

      public double value(double[] point)
      Specified by:
      value in interface org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.MultivariateFunction
      Specified by:
      value in class SimpaMultivariateFunction
    • setMatchingVariables

      public void setMatchingVariables(double[] point)
    • copyAndSet

      public Beam copyAndSet(Beam b, PotentialProvider pp, List<MatchingVariable> matchingVariables)
      A deep copy of of all particles in the beam, but the tracking state is freshly created. The vector potential of the copy will be the potential provider parameter. The beam sampler is freshly created according to the matching parameter values. This method is typically used to create a new beam with when the initial conditions of a transfer line is matched.
      b - The beam to be copied.
      pp - The potential provider to be used for the new beam particles.
      matchingVariables - The matching variables to be used to create the new beam. In the list only the those matching variables are used which specify the initial Twiss parameters.
      Copy of the given beam with the given initial Twiss parameters.
    • getResidualSum

      public double getResidualSum()