Module simpa.acc

Class EllipseBeamSampler

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class EllipseBeamSampler extends Object implements BeamSampler
This class can be used to generate the phase space coordinates for the particles in a beam such that the particles are distributed on an ellipse.
  • Constructor Details

    • EllipseBeamSampler

      public EllipseBeamSampler(TwissParameters tp)
      This constructor creates an instance of the EllipseBeamSampler class.
      tp - Twiss parameters describing the phase space ellipse.
  • Method Details

    • sample

      public List<PhaseSpaceCoordinates> sample(int n)
      This method can be used to generate the phase space coordinated for the particles in a beam such that the particles are distributed in a ellipse. The particles are distributed both in the H and V plane on an ellipse with the given emittance. If you want to discard the effect of coupling two ellipse should be generated for tracking. Once the H emittance should be zero, then the V emittance should be zero. The particles are distributed in the longitudinal plane with a normal distribution with the given dpOp (1 sigma). The time delay of the particles is set to zero.
      Specified by:
      sample in interface BeamSampler
      n - number of particles
      list of phase space coordinates
    • getTwissParameters

      public TwissParameters getTwissParameters()
      The Twiss parameters describing the phase space ellipse.