Uses of Interface
Packages that use PotentialProvider
This package contains the public interfaces and classes of the simpa.acc library.
This package contains all the interfaces and classes related to the creation and setting up of components
to construct accelerators.
This package contains all the interfaces and classes related to optics
matching or any other optimization which is performed by tracking beams or
This package contains utility classes to help in using the simpa.acc module.
This package contains all public interfaces and classes that can be programmed to.
This package contains the code related to tracking particles in SIMPA.
This package contains all utils that can be used to set up the SIMPA Core library.
Uses of PotentialProvider in simpa.acc.api
Methods in simpa.acc.api that return PotentialProviderMethods in simpa.acc.api with parameters of type PotentialProviderModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionBeam.copy
(Beam b, PotentialProvider pp) EllipseBeam.copy
(Beam b, PotentialProvider pp) ParticleFactory.getFromFile
(double p0InGeV, String fileName, double longiPos, PotentialProvider afp, double mass, double charge) Generate particles in a flat 5D beam, all particles are on the same longitudinal position.ParticleFactory.getParticle
(double p0InGeV, PhaseSpaceCoordinates phs, double longiPos, PotentialProvider afp, double mass, double charge) Gets a particle with the given data.ParticleFactory.getParticle
(double p0InGeV, PhaseSpaceCoordinates phs, double longiPos, PotentialProvider pp, ParticleType type) Gets a particle with the given data.Constructors in simpa.acc.api with parameters of type PotentialProviderModifierConstructorDescriptionBeam
(List<Particle> particles, ReferenceOrbit refOrbit, PotentialProvider potProvider, String name) Low level constructor.Beam
(BeamSampler beamSampler, double nomMomentum, ReferenceOrbit refOrbit, double longiPos, PotentialProvider potProvider, double mass, double charge, int nbOfSamples, String name) Construct a beam with the given parameters.EllipseBeam
(List<Particle> particles, ReferenceOrbit refOrbit, PotentialProvider potProvider, String name) EllipseBeam
(EllipseBeamSampler beamSampler, double nomMomentum, ReferenceOrbit refOrbit, double longiPos, PotentialProvider potProvider, double mass, double charge, int nbOfSamples, String name) -
Uses of PotentialProvider in simpa.acc.api.create
Methods in simpa.acc.api.create that return PotentialProvider -
Uses of PotentialProvider in simpa.acc.api.match
Methods in simpa.acc.api.match with parameters of type PotentialProviderModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionSigmaMultivariateFunction.copyAndSet
(Beam b, PotentialProvider pp, List<MatchingVariable> matchingVariables) A deep copy of of all particles in the beam, but the tracking state is freshly created. -
Uses of PotentialProvider in simpa.acc.api.utils
Methods in simpa.acc.api.utils with parameters of type PotentialProviderModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionOpticsCalculator.trackInLineAndCalculate
(boolean writeTrajectoryFile, EllipseBeam b0, EllipseBeam b1, PotentialProvider pp, double stepsize, double diskradius, boolean backward) Tracks the two beams in a transfer line, then calculates the optical functions from two beam trajectory files.OpticsCalculator.trackInRingAndCalculate
(Particle p0, Particle p1, PotentialProvider pp, double stepsize, double diskradius, boolean writeTrajectoryFile) Tracks the two particles in a ring given as parameters, then calculates the optical functions from two trajectory files.Constructors in simpa.acc.api.utils with parameters of type PotentialProviderModifierConstructorDescriptionDynamicAperture
(ReferenceOrbit refOrbit, PotentialProvider potProvider, String outDir, double diskRadius, TwissParameters twiss, double momentum) Constructor with the reference orbit, potential provider, output directory, disk radius, twiss parameters and momentum. -
Uses of PotentialProvider in simpa.core.api
Methods in simpa.core.api that return PotentialProviderModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPotentialProvider.copy()
static PotentialProvider
(FieldMap fm) Create a new PotentialProvider from the given FieldMap.static PotentialProvider
(String binaryFile, double scaling) Creates a PotentialProvider of type SHFieldEvaluator for evaluating field maps.SHCombiner.getEvaluator
(Map<String, Double> scalings) Gets an implementation of PotentialProvider using the given scalings.SHCombiner.getEvaluatorWithoutCaching
(Map<String, Double> scalings) Gets an instance of PotentialProvider using the given scalings. -
Uses of PotentialProvider in simpa.core.api.track
Methods in simpa.core.api.track with parameters of type PotentialProviderModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionParticle.copy
(Particle p, PotentialProvider pp) void
(PotentialProvider potProvide) Constructors in simpa.core.api.track with parameters of type PotentialProviderModifierConstructorDescriptionParticleTrackerTask
(PotentialProvider potProv, Particle p, long steps, double stepsize, boolean backward) -
Uses of PotentialProvider in simpa.core.api.utils
Methods in simpa.core.api.utils with parameters of type PotentialProviderModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D
(PotentialProvider afp, org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D pos) Evaluates the vector potential at the given position from the given PotentialProvider instance.static org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D
(PotentialProvider pp, org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D pos) Evaluates the magnetic field at the given position from the given PotentialProvider instance.static org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D
(PotentialProvider pp, org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D pos) Evaluates the electric field at the given position from the given PotentialProvider instance.static void
(PotentialProvider pp, List<org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D> curve, org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D shift, String outfile, List<LocalFrame> lfl, boolean localFrame) Write the field components into a file along a curve.static double
(PotentialProvider afp, org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D pos) Evaluates the scalar potential at the given position from the given PotentialProvider instance.void
(String filename, PotentialProvider pp, int ntest) Prints the RMS (root mean square) error for a SHField in a given file.