Uses of Interface
Packages that use SphereCovering
This package contains all the interfaces and classes related to the creation and setting up of components
to construct accelerators.
This package contains all public interfaces and classes that can be programmed to.
Uses of SphereCovering in simpa.acc.api.create
Methods in simpa.acc.api.create with parameters of type SphereCoveringModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Sequence sequence, int lmax, SphereCovering cover, Double relativeError, boolean writeStatFile, int pass1Lmax) Expands all the groups in the sequence one by one.void
(Sequence sequence, String groupName, int lmax, SphereCovering cover, Double relativeError, boolean writeStatFile, int pass1Lmax) Expands the potentials for the given accelerator element group of the machine inside the beam region with solid harmonics balls of a given maximum degree and writes the resulting binary field map file to the disk. -
Uses of SphereCovering in simpa.core.api
Methods in simpa.core.api that return SphereCoveringModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic SphereCovering
(String coverFilename) Creates a HCPLatticeCover from a cover file in format X Y Z Radius.static SphereCovering
(String stlFile, double ballRadius) Creates an HCP lattice of equal spheres with a given radius.static SphereCovering
(List<Profile> profiles, double ballRadius, boolean circularPath) Creates an HCP lattice of equal spheres with a given radius.static SphereCovering
(String file) Creates a single row cover from a cover file.static SphereCovering
(List<org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D> pathPoints, double apertureRadius, double ballRadius, boolean closedPath) Creates a single row cover around a given orbit with with a single line of balls centered on the orbit.The balls overlap such a way that it always covers a given aperture around the orbit.Methods in simpa.core.api with parameters of type SphereCoveringModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(GlobalSourceArrangement gsa, SphereCovering covering, int lmax, String binaryFileName, Double relativeError, boolean writeStatFile, int pass1Lmax) Creates an SHField containing spherical harmonics coefficients and other necessary data for a field map and serializes it to the disk.